Wednesday, December 26

Another year, another story.

Well, 2012 is almost away. Gone and lost forever. That's the thing about time, once we've had it, it's gone forever and nothing we can do can bring it back.
2012 has been an eventful year. I've survived 2 or 3 apocalypses, a get-back-together, a break up, 2 sets of exams (one of which straight after the break-up), a funeral, a diamond jubilee, a cup triumph against Celtic, an eventful Olympics and enough alcohol to float the titanic. It's been a busy year and I just don't know how 2013 is going to compare.

Truth be told, I'm scared to find out.

I don't want to know what heart-break, tragedy or pain I am going to go through in the next 12 months. I know that that's a pessimistic way of looking at it but what else am I meant to do? I can't live my life "taking it on the chin" "keeping my chin up" or even just being optimistic.
I am sick and tired of feeling nothing, of feeling empty, like I mean nothing. That I contribute nothing. That I barely exist. That I'm here and not where I should be.

I behave differently in different places. At uni, you might know the sarcastic, witty Andrew or the fun, happy Andrew. You might remember the quiet, introvert of 1st and 2nd year. In Kirkcaldy, depending on where you know me from, you'll either know the quiet, hard working pie man or the quiet, chess team captain/ depute head boy of high school. I have far too many faces, far too many different people that I am trying to be, some of which I hate, and yet, all of them are me.

And this scares me too.

My classmates from school are getting old. We're getting old. Some people are getting engaged, some are already married and some have children. Plural.

I'm growing up. And that terrifies me.

Do you see a trend here?

The future is a scary thing for all of us. Some more than others. I know a load of people that have far more problems than I do, I understand that some people have it better than I do, that's just life. There is always someone better and always someone worse.

Just writing all of this down makes me feel better, more confident and more alive. That's why I write these things.

I feel that when 2013 starts I can look at the world and spit in it's eye.
I'm Andrew. And I'm back.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

Thursday, May 3

Moving out and Liking things.

Hi guys. I'm back.

Well, I've moved out to the big city. To find my fortune where the streets are paved with gold. To become a man. To do all those stereotypical things in films. You know the ones. And, I'm back in Kirkcaldy.

Yeah, kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it.

There is a reason for being back but it's fairly boring. I voted today and I have my work night out tomorrow. Yes, piemen have nights out.

So, onto the meat and potatoes part of this post. Something that has been eroding all of my niceness and acceptance of everything. Facebook.

Yes, we're back to hating on Facebook again. I've done it before and I'll probably do it another million times but I couldn't leave it. What else would I spend my time on. Something productive?

Now, some of you might think, Timeline. It's got to be timeline. Well, you're wrong. Very wrong. My problem with Facebook right now is you. Yes, you.

People suck. It's a well accepted fact. When gathered in groups of more than 3, people tend to be dicks. But I'm not even bothered by how much of an idiot some people can be. I'm going to answer most peoples problems on Facebook in the next few lines.
Yes dear, he doesn't like you. Move on, you're about 14 years old.
Put a shirt on you posing wannabe pop-star.
If your status is less than 3 words, don't post it.
Wow, typing song lyrics must show how much of a deep and caring person you think you are and not the shallow worthless husk that the rest of the world knows you are.

That last one was probably a bit harsh, but I like the word husk.

That's not even the real reason I want to rant at you all. The reason is "Like and we will donate..." and "Like this if..."

Right then. Let's shatter every single one of your illusions. If a company is donating one dollar/pound/yen/imperial credit/other for every "like" then you liking it has, at most, donated one unit of currency. Now, nice as that is, why don't you donate yourself? If you feel so strongly that a cause needs money to save this child that needs a heart transplant/remove minefields from war torn countries and/or to fund research into self sustaining penguin jet-packs then why don't you put a little bit of effort in and make sure that your cause benefits. There is no guarantee that the thing you have "liked" will get anything. Like it or not, people lie. And companies are even worse.

Next up, "Like this if..." No. Just no. If you're asking for a like you don't get one you attention seeking, pathetic, like-whore. If you do like them, you're just feeding their ego, nothing else. You aren't doing anything. You haven't gained anything apart from a warm sense of smugness that is absolutely insignificant and comparable to the warm feeling down your leg as you urinate on yourself. You haven't contributed to a cause, you haven't helped. All you have done, is press a button. (Two if you've shared it)
I find it inspiring that a soldier can come back from a war with burns covering his entire body and still walk down the aisle with his sister. Honestly, it makes me want to do something better with my life than sit and like things on Facebook.
I don't need to "Like for heaven" and ignoring doesn't mean I'm in love with Satan.
I'm not going to like if I agree, remember or have seen something. I know I like things, I don't need to tell everybody about it.
If you have "liked and shared" a photo, all you are doing is shouting at your friends "HEY, LOOK AT ME. I'M SUCH A GOOD PERSON. I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU ALL."

If feeling that way really means that much to you, go and do something with your life.

I know the irony of posting this on Facebook but I'm doing it anyway.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

Monday, April 9

Dusting off an imagination.

Ok, the gaps between these posts are getting longer and longer. My bad guys, definitely my bad.

Right, what to say. Well, I could start with this... I want to write something.

You know, a story, a novel, a book. One or all of the above.

There is one slight teensy tiny problem. Starting it. With exams, work, moving to Edinburgh, trying to get the girl, save the world and then subsequently subjugate it to my will, there isn't much spare time for just sitting thinking of a story. With my imagination running circles in my head as usual, picking one idea out isn't easy either. So, you know, I'll plod on with tha...

Hold on. We'll go back to story time after. Go back a bit there. "rk, moving to Edinburgh, tr" Yeah, I may have forgotten to tell some of you. I'm moving to Edinburgh. Very soon. As in, before the end of this month. It's a good thing. It's not me, it's you. Or something like that. So long Kirkcaldy, as a wise Jedi once said, "I'll be back." Or was that from Star Trek? I get those all mixed up sometimes.

Anyway, back onto topic. After these exams are finished, I plan to sit down and just whack out my ideas into a coherent form. Hopefully, some of it might form words. If you want to find out about it once I have something, let me know. I need critics to keep me on the straight and narrow. And stuff like that. You know, so I don't end up writing something about sparkling vampires and a lust story between a vampire and something he would consider food. Like me and a steak. Actually, that could work. Teenage girls suck up that kind of stuff, don't they?

Write "Man falls in love with Steak" Book ---> Publish ----> ???? -----> Profit.


Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.