What if civilisation ended tomorrow?
(Well, she said something much more complicated and with lots of unnecessary words so I simplified it.)
(This is how I would imagine this world to be. Feel free to do your own posts/comments about it and send me a link to it. I want to know what you all think of this.)
Part one (For those with no imagination)
Right, all governments have fallen, religion is dead and there are no rules. Imagine a world after an atomic war or a meteor impact and you're about the right image.
Like this, but with no snazzy jumpsuit. Or gun. |
The question is, now what?
Part 2: Here's what.
As the world has no rules you can do whatever you want. For most, this amount of choice will drive most people insane. We have been brought up for centuries on law and order. On the fact that we cannot do certain things because we will be punished. There is no punishment now. Remember that bully from high school? You could beat his brains in with a stick in this world and no one would bat an eyelash.
Weapon of choice. |
Other people may try and hold on to their ideas of civilisation. Some people will try to form new countries, new nations but most will fail. Some will succeed but they won't be anything like democratic. People will flock around charismatic/powerful or strong leaders who can offer protection to their people. More than likely, there will be many people who have ambitions of forming "The Kingdom of Geoff" (or similar) and will jump at the opportunity to have people following them and their ideals. Religion may reboot at this point, with the head of a tribe being divine and/or "chosen by the gods" to reinforce the idea that they are in charge.
The problem with this is the fact that people are mortal. The leaders of these tribes and gangs will die, leaving a power vacuum. The tribe will either drift apart or will kill each other to become the new king.
Currency will become meaningless so a return to a barter system is inevitable. Some things will retain their value (Gold, jewellery, etc.) Some things will become much more valuable (Technology, weapons, food.) And some things will become fairly worthless. (Xbox, PS3, iPods) Another thought is of the role of a woman in this society. Would the woman become just a thing for making more children? Or would the women be dominant? That's not a question I'm willing to answer. Too much arguing between you all.
Slavery will likely start again. Those unfortunate enough to have no tribe (or have a tribe that is conquered by another) will become a lower class forced by lash, whip or gun to do the bidding of their masters.
Here's the main reason I think civilisation collapsing would mean the end of humanity.
Guns > Democracy.
Let's say civilisation collapses and I meet you and some others in the crumbling ruin of a city. I have a gun and I tell you that you are now my property. Of course, some will fight back, but, as I have a gun, they will be killed. There is always a choice and in this case, the choice is clear. Be a slave. Or die.In the end, I think there are three options as to what could happen:
1) The human race adapts as we have done since we learned to walk on two feet. We create a new world which has learned from the mistakes of the past. (Not likely)
2) The human race makes the same mistakes we have before, as we always do. The world created is a mockery of the world we live in now and most likely will not be a nice place to live.
3) The flickering flame of the human race is extinguished entirely. Disease and hunger kill many but ultimately we destroy ourselves in an orgy of violence, destruction and war.
I look forward to hearing your ideas on the subject and on welcoming you to the "Kingdom of Andrew."
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.