Friday, September 17

The Nuclear Option...

Righto, Friday. What can a student such as myself do on such a day...

Oh. Right.

TO THE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I dropped economics, which means I got my book refunded. So, moneys looking better. No idea if biology wants me to buy a book or not. We'll find out soon enough.

So, the big questions then. Like why is my room so bloody hot? I leave the window open ALL of the time. It's not been shut since I got here. So why is it still hot? Well my dear readers, it is because at precisely 12 noon to 3 pm (when the sun is highest and hottest) the sun glares directly into my room. Now, my window only opens just wide enough for a pepperami to fit through, so I'm not getting much wind from there. I have no fan and my room is white, therefore, it reflects all the heat. Or in this case focuses it. Onto my bed. Not cool people.

I got my new "Chemical molecular structure helper." Also known as "Molymods" by the school. Or "little beady things" by those "unenlightened by the black art of Chemistry" - my lecturer's words. Not mine.
So anyway, as soon as I got them I started making shapes. Currently it is some kind of spiky football. When it changes again, I'll let you know.

Now, who gave me this kit so generously for free I hear you ask. Well, it was a government funded company called A.W.E. And they are involved in the Chemistry business. The boomier end of it. The part involving nuclear warheads... So, to put it as bluntly as I can, I am being helped out by one of the manufacturers of the deadliest weapon on the face of this planet. Brilliant. Now my conscience is being tormented as well as my sleeping pattern.

Also after recieving my "Model kit" I saw the A.W.E. logo on the top of the lunch box, this gave me an idea.
Thank you to a Mr G "Dubya" Bush for the idea.

So anyway, I must dash, got a party to go to. And another city to get to. And a ranty themed video to make.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. You are being funded by something I hate...
    seriously i wanna go to uni just to join all the political protests and become a hippy activist! Nuclear weapons are WRONG!
