Wednesday, June 15

On my honour...

Right. No idea how this post is going to go today. Just going to type everything that I'm thinking. This is quite obviously a bad idea, but you know what? I don't care.

Let's rock.

Tuesday, June 14

Needless Filler Post.

Hi all. Once again, I'm here to plump up the cushions for you and allow you all to sit down and have me talk at to you.

Take a seat. It'll only cost you a few teeth.

As some of you know, I'm off uni now. Free. To do what I want to do. (Kudos if you get the reference)

So, if I'm free, how come I'm more bored than I ever was at uni? How come I feel so much more isolated than I ever did in my cell at uni? How come Kirkcaldy is so much more boring than I remember it?

Well, I don't have the answers for these questions and I doubt I ever will. Hopefully, life will get a tiny bit more exciting soon and I can blog properly about something. So, once again, I ask you, please comment with a topic of discussion for my next blog. Make it as obscure/interesting/strange or fantastical as you can and I'll do my best.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.