Well, it's been a while. I say this a lot, but I do try and blog often, it's just the right words at the right time are such a hard thing to write/say. I've noticed this more and more recently.
As my good friend Dumbledore said:
"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it."Some people need to think about what these words actually mean. All too often I hear someone being called a Slut, an Idiot or Gay. All too often I hear people say hurtful things to people for no reason. All too often, the nice things are left unsaid.
Believe it or not, that's not why I decided to write this blog. It just came out. What I really want to ask you all is this.
Have you ever wanted to say something to someone, but couldn't? The reason you couldn't doesn't matter. Yes or no?
I'm going to guess that the vast majority of you will say yes. "Yes, I have wanted to tell ------- something but I couldn't because -------."
Sometimes, finding the right words is hard. Sometimes, knowing what to say and when to say it is impossible. Sometimes, some words are left unsaid, the moment past and the reason for thinking of them forgotten.
Sometimes the reason is good enough. "They weren't ready to hear it." "They don't need to know." "The time wasn't right." "I didn't know what to say."
Sometimes the reason is not good enough. "I was too nervous." "I didn't want to hear the answer."
Sometimes words aren't enough. Many a time I have tried to say something, my mouth opens and no intelligible sound comes out. That's happened way too often for me to be happy about it.
One day, I'll be able to say all the things I want to say to all the people I want to say things to. Or maybe not. Maybe they'll move away before I manage to find the right words. All that matters is that I intend to say them. One day.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
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