Saturday, March 20

A day in the life of a Raith Rovers Pieman/Temporary Vegetarian

Well, work today, derby game, expected abuse/busy times & normal pay. S'all good. Apart from the fact we ran out of hamburgers before kick off and that many fans are idiots it all went well. A few scenarios follow.

-"Got ony cheese burgers mate"
-"Sorry, we only have pies left."
-"What about hamburgers?"
-"Sorry, we only have pies left."
-"We've never sold stovies sir. Do you want a pie or do you mind if i serve someone with an IQ higher than a woodlouse?"

-"I'll have a cheeseburger. And another one. And two bovrils squire."
-"Can you repeat that, sir"
-"I'll have two cheeseburgers and two bovrils squire."
-"What was that sorry?"
-"Are you deaf squire?"
-"Are you from the middle ages my lordship?"

As you can see, my job does have some amusing moments.

Anyway, I had a small rant yesterday about my troubles in music and I would just like to thank everyone who agrees and/or feels the same way I do about it. Thanks guys.

As you may have noticed from the title, I consider myself a "Temporary Vegetarian". This is due to a hastily thought up thing I could give up for lent. Bad move. Uber bad.

It has been 32 days since I last ate meat. In these 32 days I have ate cheese, eggs, pasta, cheese, fish, rice & vegetables. And it is definately getting harder. I have to keep living off cheese for the next 14 days, so I'm almost there. That doesn't make it any easier though. At work today, I sold many Scotch Pies, Burgers, Steak Pies, Hot Dogs and Bovrils. All of which smelt good. I tell you, if this doesn't get me any extra brownie points with the Big Man himself, nothing will.

As I was checking my dates on the calendar I have just notice that Spring began today. Which is good. I think. Is it really important enough to be on my calendar? Is there really 4 seasons? Personally, I think we could make do with two. Wet and cold season & Wet and hotish season.

I think that'll do for now.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. your blogs are getting better by the installment Ondeh, your wit tickles me in a total of 7 places
