Friday, July 30

Andrews European Adventure - Part the eleventh (and guest blogs)

"Czech me out..."

Well, Prague. Hmm, I don't seem to have done much here. At all. I got up. I had breakfast. I went to a laundrette. I put the first of this series up on this site. I slept. I had tea. It's been very interesting. *YAWN!!!*
Anyway, one note of interest. It's hot... again. Way too hot. I don't like heat. I'm scottish. It's not nat-choo-ral for me to be in heat. (Though I am hot... *Rolls eyes*
Due to my lack of information in this entry, I asked my fellow adventurees if they wanted to write something. Here is what was said...


Lets just straighten a few things up first. Me and Andrew were never married, there is a difference between fruit cake and cake with fruit in it and my pea on a fork impression is hilarious. I also hate ninjas, especially Dene - taking photos of me is not funny!
I miss Bavaria =(, seriously some of the greatest folks I've ever met!
And Andrew has just learnt the very important lesson of believing Catriona when she says not to do something...

(Andrews Take on things...
Well, me and Cat got divorced, so I can understand why she doesn't want to see me as her ex-husband [it was a bit messy] To me, a fruit cake is a cake with fruit in it. And a cake with fruit in it is a fruit cake. As for the pea on a fork impression... Yeah. Whatever floats your boat Cat.
Dene is a ninja... don't hate him for his skills, he's just very, very quiet.
I think everyone misses Bavaria.
And yeah, I will do what Catriona tells me. But she did hang her underwear up in the shower...)


Well, this trip has been very challenging for me, not trying to eat chocolate for a day kinda challenge but hiking for 13 hours challenge and trying to squeeze into a metro with a rucksack challenge.
The highlights if this trip have been entertaining, funny and unbelievable.
Meeting the German scout group was ACE and trying the smoking machine thingy and the wicked beers. That was the best highlight.
Others, meeting Irish and Americans and the fantastic dog named Dooshner, he made me happy on that day.
All I can say is that this trip has been tearful, joyful, annoying and unforgetable.
However I will be glad when we are back in Scotland, I will kiss the ground... (Thank God)

(Andrews take on things...
Yes, this trip has been very challenging for all of us. We all got bit by mosquitoes (or their larger cousins) Most of us had blisters and none of us particularly enjoyed the hike at the time.
The highlights are all of those things... Honest.
Yup, told you so. She misses Bavaria too...
And I'm glad that a dog made you happy... How is not for me to know. *Rolls eyes*
And yes, she did kiss the ground...)



(Andrews take on things...



(Andrews take on things...

Told you he was a ninja...)

Nik refrained from writing something and Jack hasn't got back to me. If either of them ever want their guest spot just let me know and I'll slip it into a future post.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. sorry, i agree with your friend, there is a difference between fruit cake and a cake with fruit in it.
