Sunday, July 25

This ones for an ex.

Right then, one last post before going back to the mind numbing task of typing up my diary. Now, what can I write about. Well, due to a suggestion, I have to make this a happy blog. About bunny rabbits and rainbows and stuff like that.
oh-kay... then. *rolls eyes*

Well, here goes. Bunny rabbits. They are cute.

Yes, I know how much I detest that word, but they are. Like it or not. Also, like it or not. They are vermin. Bet you didn't know that. So, yeah, anyway, you're nice friendly bunny wunny is just about the same as a rat. If you look at it from a certain angle. Anywa....
No Andrew, Positive. Be happy. And Positive. Lets try again shall we...
Heres a nice picture...
Oh, ok. Be positive Andrew. It's easy.
Right, lets move on. The whole pancake thing has just made me really hungry for rabbit. And there isn't any in the house. Apparently, if you ate only rabbit, you would die. God bless Steven Fry and QI. *sniff*
Rainbows. They can be quite pretty can't they. Theres nothing I can say about rainbows that is in any way bad, sad or miserablising (yes, that is a word...) In fact, it's time for Andrew to try and be inspirational. *Groan from everyone* Yeah, lets do this 'thang'...
Right, rainbows. Well, they are pretty. And I would possibly put them up there with lightning as most beautiful weather stuff. Now, Like lightning, rainbows can only come out when it is raining. Now, rain isn't pretty. Don't get me wrong, it is useful, but not pretty or good at stirring the feelings. In fact I'd go so far as saying it's depressing. Especially in Scotland. So, in the depths of our depression, there can be a thing of beauty. So, basically, put into a nutshell and explained in one sentence. "You don't get a rainbow without the rain."
What? Someone's already made that into a saying... Oh for Fu...
No, be positive Andrew. She asked you very nicely. So you'll be positive today. You'll make people smile. Right.
Unfortunately for me, my main way of making people smile is ranting. Oh well, here goes...
Right, you'll all be happy. Right now. Really. Do it. You know you want to. Whats that? You don't want to be happy? Well, thats complete and utter nonsense. Being happy is about being alive. Later in life, I want to remember the positives, like good times with girlfriends, happy times with friends and family. I do not want to remember all the rejections and put-downs. I do not want to remember all the arguments and fights. I do not want to remember myself as a sarcastic, dirty minded, rude, arrogant git, however much that does describe me. I want to remember myself as dashing and happy, kind and generous, umm, innocent and not-sarcastic and gorgeous... Ok, I'm not going to remeber myself as being that but I want to remember the good me. I'm definately not going to be remembered as being that by all you lot out there who read this. I'm going to be remembered as "the quiet one, who let life pass him by...", "the geek who liked his things more than his friends", "the sad, sad person who could only communicate through a blog because he struggles to look people in the eyes?"
Hmm, I don't like that. I don't want to let life just pass me. I don't want things. I don't want this blog to be my only method of communication.
I want to take life for a ride, get involved in a head on collision with a lorry and then end up in hospital in the next bed to life saying, "well, it was fun while it lasted, wasn't it?" I want to be less of a geek that has friends who don't need to be encouraged to talk to me. I want to be able to talk to people and look them in the eyes when I do so. Does that seem like a better way to you? Cause it does to me.
What makes you happy?
Is it reading this? No, it's not. It's seeing how what I think compares to what you think.
Is it being inside looking at a screen? No, it's not. It's communicating with people through whatever means you can.
Is it seeing a person you like? No, it's not. It's being with people that mean the world to you.
Believe it or not, but I just wrote that entire post for someone, who a few months ago, I would quite happily never hear from or see again. Well, it just goes to show. Either I'm a forgiving fool, which I don't think I am. Or I just can't be angry at people. I hope it's the latter. I don't like being angry. It makes me more enemies than friends.
Anyway people. Remember if theres someone you said "I never want to see or hear from them again..."
Never is a long time.
Don't be angry. It's a useless emotion which only triggers the same response in others.
"Don't worry. Be Happy"
What, someone got that first too? Oh, I really hat...
Well, I've tried to be positive. I really have. I hope either, A) You are happy, B) You will make someone happy in the near future, C) You're not angry at someone anymore or D) You'll tell me you liked this. (Remember there are tick boxes at the bottom to tell me what you think...)
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. HEY I want to be remember as a geek! thats who I am!
    and if you like rainbows, look up "double rainbows" on youtube, funny as hell. (i may be 10 years out of the loop on the video though)

  2. is that the guy thats obviously tripping on mushrooms? cause thats awesome. "Whoa, a double rainbow..." followed by tears, laughter and general craziness.

  3. yes, that is him.

  4. oh lol. I'm going to watch that again now. :)

  5. dude on the note of how youll look back on your life with hindsight i think your mind tends to exaggerate and everything is tinted with rose glass(es?) i cant remember that phrase, but anyway, i mean i look back on all ive done in school and as much as i was a lazy bastard i kinda have fooled myself into thinking that i did a shitload of work and that i tried really hard, well that might be my perfectionism kicking in i dont know tbh :S the fact is you can never really tell what youll think of yourself in so-many years because you still have so many adventures between then and now that will probably change you for the better, e.g. uni :D anywho i just wanted to give you a bit of an uplifting mini-speech xD talk to you later man :)
