Monday, August 9

Exam results...

Well then everyone, lets hear it for all these happy people, the ones that passed all their exams and are getting to do what they want. Yay! (Not me)

Lets go "aww" to anyone who did not get the grades to get into uni/get the course they want. Aww... (Not me)

And option 3. Lets stick our middle fingers up to the git who couldn't care less. (Me)

Yeah, ok. I failed Chemistry. But I had accepted that. And it's not like I needed it. So I'm not bothered about it at all right... Right?
Well, to be perfectly honest. I am. I don't like failing. I don't like losing. I know I could have passed if I'd been arsed. But I wasn't. So I really shouldn't be bothered. But I am. And this is the vicious cycle of events going round my head since I got my results earlier in the week.

So anyway, yes. Everyone, even if something is guaranteed. Do your best. Cause anything else just isn't right.

Moving on, cause I'm on the "Don't care" phase again. Well, recently I have become much more sociable (which is why I haven't been blogging so much) This is mainly due to me "hanging out" with a new bunch of friends. Combine this with old friends wanting to "hang out" and I'm out a lot. So anyway, thank you anybody that has taken me out of the house recently. You are all awesome.

Special hello to Zoe. When you do read this (eventually) hello. Oh and "Om nom nom" You know what I'm talking about.

Well, I guess I have to go now. I was camping last night and I have to fix a tent. Not gonna be fun.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. your welcome for making you more sociable!! xD if i hadnt proposed using my house for the party you would have never have know these people :D

  2. I'd like to see more of you!

  3. we broke your tent? how....dodgy sounding....;D
