Monday, January 2

New Year - New Me.

Evening all. Or if it isn't evening when you decide to read this, then you should wait until evening to read it. Simple.

For those of you expecting a "Traditional Post" relating to my recent relationship stuff, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I'm not doing it. I'm not going to do things because people expect me to or because it's tradition. More on that in this post.

I'm going to do what is right for me.

I have noticed recently that I am always so busy making sure other people are happy, that I neglect my own happiness as a result. No one will know who, or what I am talking about, but trust me on this. It's not something I want to get into more details on at the moment.

Sometimes, it feels like people can just walk all over me. Why? Because I've let them. Because in the past I have allowed people to believe I won't stand up for myself and not fight back.

I am tired of being the last thing people think about. I am sick of being the afterthought. "Oh, Andrew won't mind, he'll just go along with it." I am fed up of being the background noise to life's soundtrack. No. No more. No more "going along with it." No more putting every single person before myself. No more lying down and letting people walk over me. No more weakness.

This is why I am putting my New Year Resolutions here. So you can all see them. So you will all understand when I do something you never thought I'd do. So you'll all understand when I stand up for myself.

1. Be slightly more selfish. Think of yourself for once.
2. Work harder at Uni.
3. Stand up for yourself. At Uni, at work, at home.
4. Stop letting people kick you while you're down.
5. Stand out from the crowd.
6. Lose some weight.
7. Play guitar more. Much more.
8. Play Uke more. Much more.

I'm sorry to you all for making this all very personal. Lots of "you"'s and "yourself"'s but I need to do this. I need to be able to read this post and see that I have to work harder. I have to be better. And I damn well will.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. Here, I have your soundtrack.
