Saturday, February 5

#95- Music, XBox and Valentines Day.

Righto, we have begun the descent into legend.
Ladies and Gentleworms, this, is my 95th post on this blog.

Anyway, right. The post... Right... There was something I knew I wanted to type about...

Hmm, three days later and I still can't remember. Oh well, I'm gonna blog about random stuff. No, this was not my original plan, but I can't remember the original plan actually...


Well, while watching a Weezer video on YouTube I saw this comment :
Weezer is great, but so is Justin Bieber. Why is it that people can't like two great musicians like Weezer and Justin Bieber? It is like if you like Weezer then you can't like Justin Bieber. I just love great music and Weezer and Justin Bieber are both great music. Weezer was great in the 1990's and now Justin Bieber is great in 2011.
Well, this brought a lot of things to my attention. Some people do believe that because they like a certain band, they can't like other certain bands. Yes, I will admit that. Some people do.

However, to compare Bieber to Weezer screams of blasphemy to me. Sorry, it just does.
The anti-christ is here...
I'm sorry but Justin will never be "great music." Never. In fact, if the world ever considers him "great music" then I'm leaving. Straight away. The only reason people like him is because he is forced down our throats on MTV, Radio shows and idiots commenting on YouTube videos. He is not great. He cannot be compared to Weezer. That is all I will say on this subject.


I will admit that I am beginning to like the XBox. As a devout "Playstationer" this is shocking me to my core but I have to admit, it is so much easier to use. It can't play blu-ray, which is my only fault on it at the moment but hopefully me and my XBox will enjoy a long relationship ahead.

Valentines Day

Well, I am not single. So that means I have to pay attention to Valentines day this year. So presents are bought, meals prepared, plans made and everything done to make this as hassle free a day as possible. However, I know that despite my best efforts, something will go wrong. So, I'm sorry Alannah in advance for anything that goes wrong. In fact, I am preparing excuses already for anything that could spoil our day, ranging from illness all the way up to a nuclear apocalypse. So hopefully, if something does go wrong, I'll be able to say something... cu... cut... nice, to make up for it.

Be prepared...
Anyway, I guess that's it. I have been thinking about buying myself a shirt with "Peace out Bubs" written on it. So if anyone else is interested, let me know. (Or if you think that is the most self-serving thing I could do and it's pathetic, let me know also)

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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