Monday, April 18

A new beginning.

Well then, it's been a while since I blogged last. I blame stuff. Lots of stuff. Lots of stuff which never happened and I am using as an excuse for my extreme case of writers block. Anyway, lets pretend you never read that.

Let us descend upon wings of flame into the depths of my dark and twisted mind.

Shall we?

1st Level - Conscious Mind.

This is the level that plays outside a lot. Well, I say outside, I actually mean it's there. And it's noticeable. It's like standing in front of a car and it beeps it's horn. The conscious mind is the sound of the horn. Pretty hard to miss. My conscious mind is constantly thinking. A lot of people talk about how they can "turn off" or "unwind." My brain seems to lack that ability. I'm always thinking about something, whether it's Chemistry, Warhammer, RPG's, songs, puzzles, people, "what-if's" and so on. I can't "turn off" and it worries me. Why does everyone else have the ability to think of nothing (some more than others...) and I don't? And worrying about that means that I'm constantly thinking about that. It's a vicious cycle.

2nd Level - Subconscious.

This level doesn't come out often. Occasionally, it wrenches control from the conscious for about two seconds before dominance is restored. It is nowhere near as noticeable. Imagine jumping off a building with a bungee cord on you. Now, imagine the sound of the cord snapping. (It's not loud... especially compared to wind rushing through your ears.) That's what it's like. You have no idea it's happened. But it's fairly important and it's soon going to have consequences. Exactly like that. My subconscious only really comes out when I doodle. As I lack the ability to "turn off" my subconscious comes out when I'm doing something I'm not very good at. Drawing. Therefore that nice doodle. It's actually a drawing I did. Drawing has much nicer connotations than doodle... Anyway, that was off topic. BACK ON TRACK ANDREW! There. Back. My subconscious probably will one day rebel against my conscious mind and my sanity will snap. I hope for your sake, that you aren't in the room at the time. It could get messy.

I'm no psychologist, so I have no idea what else rattles on in my mind. But I can have a rough guess...
Because you can never have too much Chuck.

Anyway, I think this distinctly proves that Chuck Norris is everywhere on the internet. I think that's the story I started with anyway...

Peace out bubs. 
Andrew out.

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