Thursday, March 17

#100 - It's time.

Ladies. Gentlemen. Children and trolls of all ages, I bid you welcome. Welcome to my 100th post. For the first time ever, honestly, I think I can say *takes breath* it IS blog 'o' clock.

I have a few words to say, thanking you all for staying with me, blah, blah, blah...

-Insert generic big headed actor speech here-

Big headed actor.
Ok, I've made it. I have survived 100 posts. I never thought I'd get this far. I never thought that the blogger in me would stay alive this long. So honestly, thank you for the encouragement you have given me.

Right, other matters...
Happy St Patricks Day!
Andrew + Beer + Bavaria = OH HELP ME PLEASE!

Thats all the Irishness out of the way then...

What else did I need to say today...
Oh, that's right. I started blogging on the 17th of March, 2010...
So that makes it ""'s 1st birthday!
Remember this cake? Points to who can guess the post. 
Yup, it's almost as if I planned it... *looks shiftily*

Right, now onto the rambling that's made me semi-popular. I am not asking for much for my blog's birthday. I want you to like it. (Or dislike) Ok. There is a box at the top of the post saying like (or dislike) and I'd like you to click one of them. Thank you. If you want to share this on facebook/twitter/your blog that is your choice and I won't force you to. Likes (or dislikes) are all I want.

Anyways, there isn't really much else to say at the moment. I am still living off the high that only the birthday of a loved one can bring you. (Yes, I love my blog, deal with it.)
My blog has, and always will be, a place of refuge for all my silly little thoughts and big serious thoughts. It's a place where you can come to find my point of view. If you want to ask me to blog about something, ask. I'll do my best. As I always do when it comes to this thing. In a way, it's my success story. And I don't want it to end.
Hopefully, I will keep doing this for a long time and people will care about what I think for a lot longer than that.

So, say it with me y'all.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.