Thursday, March 10

#97 - Lent again. (Already!)

Well, lookie here. 3 posts to go! (I really am hyping this a bit too much...)

It's the time of year again that I hated last year. Lent. The time of vegetarianism. That was a difficult challenge but I am glad I did it. I now know the pain and suffering that vegetarians must feel at not eati...
No, vegetarians do not eat meat for their own reasons and I am fairly sure they don't miss meat. However, I did.
I was watching one of the many YouTuber's I was subscribed to (Dan Brown/Pogobat if you must know) and he declared "Vegy week." A week in which he would not eat meat. He struggled through and succeeded. Great Dan. Now do it for 40 days... It gets tougher.

Anyway, enough about last year. This year. This year, I have not given anything up. Nor have I decided I will do anything special. Life is difficult enough as it is at the moment and I do not need more stress to add to my already apocalyptical levels.

"But Andrew. You're living the dream! At uni! Getting drunk!"
- See last post...

In other news, I have finally caved to pressure and started posting my music thing on faceboogle. Who knows maybe someone will like something I do.

Anyway this post was mainly to let you all know I am still alive. And I am still "winning." (Thats a clue about my next post...)

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. Pleaaseeeee do not post about Charlie dumbass Sheen.. think i may have to disown you for even thinking about doing so ¬¬

  2. I disagree ^
    And win. :3

  3. dude Charlie Sheen FTW xD
    you know andrew you need to try out drugs...

    i recommend a large dose of CHARLIE SHEEN!!!!
    that shit goes down good with brownies :P

  4. Just so you know, this vege does miss meat :'(
