Wednesday, March 16

#99 - Other (Please Specify)

The votes are in. The people have spoken. I have been told to post about Pokemon.

Pokemon - Andrews View

For many people, Pokemon was a first love. When it was released on the Game Boy, the Game Boy's popularity rocketed. Needless to say, Nintendo have been releasing Pokemon games like there is no tomorrow. If something sells... SELL IT!

As for my early experiences with Pokemon. I didn't have a Game Boy. Still don't. I have a "borrowed" one from Zoe but "shhhhh" with Pokemon Red, also from Zoe. So, my early experiences with Pokemon were the TV show and Pokemon cards.

The TV show is possibly one of the most memorable TV shows I watched when I was younger. It made little or no sense to me at the time, it was Japanese and most of the main characters could only say their names. Needless to say, I was hooked. In my opinion, it's probably the most sensible cartoon to come from Japan (which isn't saying much I suppose...)

The trading cards... Oh the days of primary school. You'd go into school in the morning with Pokemon cards weighing down your pockets. At breaks, lunch & sneakily during class you would battle, trade or admire other peoples collections. Nowadays, that sounds like a euphemism to me. I miss the days where the most important matter of the day was finding some chump who wanted to get a "Mankey" so bad, he'd trade a "Shiny Charizard"

Nowadays, Pokemon seems to have calmed down. It was just a fad. Followed by Yu-Gi-Oh and whatever replaced that (Ben 10 I think.) but Pokemon lives on. In the hearts of the crazy addicted fan boy/girl. Or the nostalgic Andrew.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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