Sunday, March 13

#98 - Who's winning now?

Almost there...

Right, I was planning on making this blog about who are the winners in the world. Who has the most stuff, is loved the most, etc.


Recent events in Japan have made me decide that it would be inappropriate and callous to talk about things like that under the circumstances.

Right now in the world, I feel that there are no "winners." There are people that are losing slightly less than others, but loss is everywhere. Whether it is the loss of money that you had temporarily won. The loss of a loved one to distance, hatred, natural disaster or death. The loss of everything you owned as a wall of water 10 feet high sweeps everything normal about your life away. The loss of your livelihood in Australia after flooding. The loss of life in Libya and the Arab nations. The loss of everything normal in New Zealand after the earthquake there. The loss of entire towns in Japan.

This puts my life here in Britain into perspective. We moan about the weather when it rains for a week, or the snow is more than 6 inches thick, or there is no rain for two months. What about other countries around the world? Do you not think they have it a little worse than us?

A few moments after I realised how bad the Japanese crisis was, the jokes began.
One particular stood out to me.
"Run for your lives Japs, Godzilla's coming for you."
Needless to say, I am no longer following that person on Twitter.
What annoys me most about this is that the person lived in the US. Land of the free. The home of all peoples. Well, go f*** yourself. I'm fed up of people who have absolutely no idea about matters thinking they have the right to give advice or joke about it.
Natural disasters aren't funny. People dying is NOT Funny.
I know that this blog will make no difference at all. I know that no one is going to change how they act towards things because of some rant from a 18 year old student but damn it, someone has to try.

If you can donate something to the relief effort, please do. Every penny helps.

In conclusion, f*** you Charlie Sheen. Give one episodes worth of your money to the Japanese relief. You aren't winning. You're just losing slightly less than 98% of the world.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed COMPLETELY!!
    You are such an insightful human-being who I do so adore :)
    Do not worry I shant turn into one of these evil people (Y) ... does the fact I mentioned the apocolypse count as being mean? :(
