Saturday, July 23

Yet Another Day In The Life Of A Raith Rovers Pieman.

There isn't going to be much Pie related news today, so don't worry.

I call this post in my head...

Yet Another Day In The Life Of A Raith Rovers Pieman: The tale of Horse-woman.

Today, I had work for the first time in donkeys years and one customer stands out. Just one woman. Just one woman with the facial features of an ugly horse.
I was serving people as I always do, with a smile and as helpfully as I can. A woman comes up at the tail end of half time and asks for a macaroni pie. I check the ovens and tell her the results of my epic quest to the oven and eventual discovery of information.
"We haven't got any macaroni pies left. Sorry"
As I was about to offer to heat a cold one up in the microwave, she responded.
"So you don't have one of your products available?"
I replied, as nicely as humanly possible.
"We did have macaroni pies, but they are sold out now. If you'd been here 10 minutes earlier you could have had one."
As her horsey eyes bored into my face, she said the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard at the football.
"So you don't cater for vegetarians then?"
My jaw dropped. For the first time ever at work, I was speechless. How dare this horse customer say that. A person that I know for sure does not regularly attend Raith games (I know the regulars by face, and some by name) A person that then ordered a mince pie (which is probably suitable for vegetarians if you ask my brother about it...)
As she left, I considered offering to heat up a macaroni pie, but I decided against that idea. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
All three of us in the kiosk looked at each other for a moment. But that moment was long enough for me to confirm my feelings about this horsey-woman.

"What a complete, and utter, stuck up horse b****"

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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