Saturday, July 2

Party and whatnot.

On Thursday night, I went to a party. Yes. Social activities, I know. Shocking. This isn't going to be a story of how drunk I/you/others got. This is not going to be a story of what happened.

It's a story about gender stereotyping and modern expectations.

I had a few drinks, I'm not going to lie about that. I was nicely steeped in alcohol. I was talking to people, I was having a laugh and I was trying not to fall over. I was having a good time.

And then someone said the words which made me stop drinking and start being boring again.
What were those words I hear you ask?
"Why you being so nice to her? You trying to get in her pants?"

Have I not shown in the past that that is NOT what I do? Can I not be nice to someone without having an ulterior motive in mind? Can I go to a party and not be expected to pull?
Obviously not according to some.

I'm fed up of some people thinking that all guys are out to "get some pussy" when partying. I'm fed up of people believing that just because I'm single it must mean I'm desperate.
I was not out to "get some", I am not desperate and I don't want to be the kind of guy who goes out to "get laid" or whatever it is you young kids call it nowadays.

Don't ask who said it, I can't remember. I was drinking at the time guys...

Sorry about the small rantish post but I was a little bit annoyed about all this. Therefore, I did this.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.