Thursday, August 4

Introduction music, French words & Outdoor Pools.

So then, s'up world.

*Cue intro music* (This can be any song you want)

Bonjour, Je m'appelle Andrew. Je suis dix-huit ans et j'ai cheuveaux brun et yeus bleu.

(I think that's all right...)

Anyways, I'M IN FRANCE. Yeah, that's it for this post. Go back to YouTube or whatever porno you were watching. Go on. Shoo. This is my space, and I need to dust it out once in a while.

Yes, I have changed the background, the top thingy and all the colours. That's my choice. So there.

Right, so blogging then... Yeah, let's go with that.

Well, I guess I could talk about my trip here. I started a game of Pokemon red at the start of the trip south and at this present moment, I've logged about ten and a half hours game time. Do I really need to mention much more about my journey?

(Thanks Zoe for the game boy advance. You'll get it back. Eventually.)

Umm, my uncle has a pool in his garden. That's a nice thing.
I'm sleeping in a tent for two weeks. In France. Which is hot. And humid. That's not such a nice thing.

Yeah, so this post is very filled with random stuff. Probably get something more consistent next time. Maybe. Hopefully.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. You're French is appalling!!! I fart in your general direction =L xx
