Monday, September 12

Blog from a bus.

Hello everyone. I am currently moving in a vehicle travelling at roughly 40mph so excuse any errors or bloodstains on my laptop.

Yes, that is right, I bring you this blog post... FROM A BUS.

Yeah, now that the interesting bit is done, on to the boring stuff.

Hi guys, I'm back at uni again. Doing Year 2 Chembob. Hopefully I perform better this year than I did last. My timetable isn't perfect, but I wasn't expecting much anyway. Only real big news is the fact I have to get up at 5.20(ish) to get to uni on time. I think it'll make my morning attitude interesting to say the least.

This isn't a long post. Just thought I should post at some point during September. Will be back with more regularity once my life gets interesting. (That will be soon.)

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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