Friday, November 5

The last day of 17ness...

It's the 5th people. It's the 5th of November. Tomorrow, I turn 18 and shall assume my rightful position as ruler of the world. (It's a very secret job)

Anyway, I don't think being 18 will change all that much about my life. I can already drive. I already drink. I already (don't) smoke. So, what interesting things happen when you turn 18? I can go to clubs? I don't do dance music... I can go to pubs? I already get served at the Union. So, what changes? If I'm honest, nothing. Nothing will change. I will still be a loser. The only difference is I can buy alcohol. But essentially, I'll still be the same pathetic loser you all come to read about. So, don't you go worrying about me. I'll be fine.

Anyway, I feel a rant coming along. I want to rant about some of the stuff I have seen happening at the Uni...

1. In lectures, please do not spend the whole time chatting about "some burd yay did las' nicht." Especially when I'm in the row in front of you. Thank you.
2. On buses. Please do not roll your joint in plain sight of me. It's especially stupid when you are sitting in plain sight of a security camera as well you complete tool.
3. When you're going up the main stairs. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT stop in the middle of the stairs to chat/gawk at teh boobies/wank/have a small party. Seriously, I have a lecture hall to get to. And I don't need an excuse to be late. Cause I'll take it. Every single time.
4. Please do not get drunk. Ok, I'll rephrase that. Please do not get drunk and spend half the night shouting outside my window. Seriously, GTFO. Cause my body clock is shot as it is.
5. In lectures, please do not kick my chair. Cause every time you do, I feel like turning round, leaping over the tables and kicking your ar** right out of the lecture theatre. Or failing that, killing you. That's how strongly I feel about that.
6. In lectures, I have a register for my Chemistry lectures. This effectively forces me to go to lectures. I feel that if someone doesn't want to go to the lectures, then fine. They can fail the course. That's their problem. Don't scare us into going to lectures. We should go because we want good grades. And occasionally miss a lecture for a hangover.

Anyway, I have a test in about 8 hours. So I should probably be sleeping/revising/masturbating.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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