Monday, November 22

Verbal Diarrhea

As some of you may have noticed, I have not posted for a while. So here is a "get-you-by" post until I can think of something EPic to write about...

So without further ado...

1. Paintball.
My parent's asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I asked for paintball. They delivered. Me and a select group were taken to go paintballing. All things considered, it went well. I didn't die, I shot people. All is good.

2. Special Thank You!
This is a special thank you to a Ms Jeni Southcott. Thank you for the poster and picture to put on my wall. It has actually begun the process of changing my room from "jail-cell" to "room." Thank you also to anyone who gave me a wrapped up present. All of the wrapping paper is now stuck to my wall. Along with half a sheet of bubble wrap for stress relief.

3. Illness.
One of the main reasons for my lack of postage is that I have been choked with the cold since Wednesday last week. I'm finally beginning to recover (and therefore regaining some ability to think) so I should be back to top form next week.

4. Heriot-Watt university.
Despite it's best efforts, I am remaining sane. Just. I'm still not feeling like this place is somewhere fantastic but I am coping fine. As long as my room remains mine and they don't shut down yet more of the Unions stuff, I'll manage.

5. Love's not a competition...
But I'm winning.

6. I've started on Tumblr... Not as a blog. More of a dump site for things which I don't think merit a place here. Visit AndrewsMindDump if you feel like it. At the moment, I'm trying a "post something every day" kind of thing. Well, most days. But eventually I'll begin posting other stuff like photos and stuff. I repeat, this is still my main blog.

7. I've run out of ideas...

8. Peace out bubs.
9. Andrew out.

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