Monday, November 1

And so it begins...

Happy November everyone! This is my favourite month of the year. This is not only because it's my birthday on the 6th... There are other reasons...

Thanksgiving. That traditional holiday where we all gather as families and eat turkey and Pecan pie. And cranberry sauce. Lots of cranberry sauce. What? It's an American holiday? Oh well...

I like fireworks, therefore, I like Bonfire night. Though nowadays, if someone tried to blow up parliament, we wouldn't be celebrating every year. So, on the 5th of November, I hope you all remember that you are celebrating not only a terrorist. But a failure of a terrorist. Think about that next time you light a firework.

My birthday. The 6th of November. This I like for obvious reasons. I like the fact that I get presents. This is made all the sweeter because of the timing of the rest of my families birthdays. They all have midsummer birthdays. While I am late autumn. This means that I get Birthday and Christmas in one lump. They get presents spread out throughout the year, making the summer holidays even better for them. Not that I'm bitter or anything... *shifty eyes*

This year, my birthday has an even greater meaning. I am of course talking about the elections in America. (God bless America people...) Anyway, as I'll be 18 on the day of election, I can vote. Yay! However, as I am not an American citizen, things get tricky... I'll need a stick on moustache, some mexican clothes and an English-Spanish dictionary to pull this one off guys.

November 14th. Remembrance day. The day when we remember those who gave their lives so that I might be able to live as a free man. I'll be wearing my poppy when the day comes even though I am going paint balling on that day. I hope you all will wear a poppy too.

November 30th. St Andrews day. It's "Scotland day!" I know that everyone pretty much feels that our patron saint should be Rabbie Burns but honest, it is St Andrew. So, I think we should do something Scottish on that day. I'll stick something up at some point about what I intend on doing for "Scotland day" but if you have any suggestions like colours that could be worn, badges or activities, feel free to let me know.

And finally, the fact that it is Autumn. I love autumn. Trees go nice browns and reds. Leaves are nice and crunchy on the ground and it's conker season. Summers too warm. Winters too cold. Springs too wet and boring. That leaves autumn. The greatest season of all. I'm sure you all won't agree.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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