Monday, October 25

George "the awesome"

Good Afternoon/Evening/Morning/End-of-the-world-party (delete as appropriate) my faithful.

I'm almost, pause for dramatic effect, 18.

However, as I said earlier. My family had my 18th party two weeks early. Where I got my new, trusty and loyal partner George. Here is George.

Anyway, yes, I got my ukelele and proceeded to name it. It is George and me and George will have adventures together. Keep reading to see them...

Well, it's pretty easy to begin with. I am expecting it to get harder though. << innuendo much?

Apparently, I'm naturally flirty. I don't see it personally but everyone else know me so much better than I do. So, we'll go with that then. I am flirty and I'm proud! If you think I have ever flirted with you let me know. And I'll let you know if it's deliberate or not. 

RED is a good film. Watch it. I give it **** out of *****.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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