Saturday, October 9

My "Diary" and why I hate Facebook at the moment.

Well, I'd like to thank the two people who single handedly kept me sane today. Erin and Tamara. While Heriot-Watt University was abandoned by the vast majority of students here, I would have been alone and insane if they had not visited. So thank you.

Anyway, while they were visiting "da ghetto" two things were pointed out.
1. My room is tiny. (I knew this)
2. A little black book which Erin said "It's Andrew's Diary!"

Well Erin, it isn't. It's what I call my "private blog." It contains sensitive material. Which would destroy the minds and souls of any who read it without first living through the events described.
Well, it's not really, it's where I write some material I'm not sure about posting at the time. So I keep it there. Safe. Until I need it.

I will however show you the first page...

See, front cover. Take that. Anyway, yes, at some point I may show people it, but at the moment I'm not ready to show any of it. Just clearing the air on that topic.

In other news... Under my clothes I am naked. Enough said really.

To finish with, I would like to share with you something which I consider one of my "pet hates" at the moment. Facebook updates (& groups) based on TV show quotes or contestants.
"Why?" I hear you cry...

1. I really, REALLY, do not care about X-factor. Or The In-betweeners. So I really do not want to know what has happened in these shows. Seriously, just stop it. If you like the show so much, watch the show and then go on Facebook afterwards. You do know computers aren't everything right? (says the guy who must rely on his laptop for everything...)
2. Right, as I am impartial on this matter, I would like to discuss Gamu. Let me get this straight. If it's like any other show I've watched, YOU vote for who you want to keep on right? So, who voted for Gamu? Not you? SO STOP COMPLAINING THAT SHE WAS VOTED OFF! 
----If this is not the case, then if you hate Ms Cole so much for voting off Gamu, stop watching and spare me the status updates...----
3. Groups which are purely for a quote from a show are just not funny. Things are funny in CONTEXT. Not on their own. Just reading a stupid line containing three or four swear words IS NOT funny. At all. It's like reading the punchline of a really complicated joke. "Thats my school bag" isn't funny by itself. However with the full joke, it is. (If you want the full joke, you can comment...) Anyway, I do not need to know one line from a show which I do not like. Thank you.
4. These "petition" groups will not make any difference at all. She's gone. Accept it. Also, stop inviting me to join your petition. I don't care.
5. These "quote" groups will start spamming soon. So you'll soon have a group urging you to "DO THIS SURVEY TO GIVE US YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS SO WE CAN SCAM YOU SILLY!" Sound familiar? It will soon. Also, do not invite me to these groups. I do not even wish to waste the energy checking my invites for such useless rubbish and then deleting them.

Hmm, I seem to have ranted quite a bit there... Back to business as normal then.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. chill marian! if you don't like the statuses, don't read them, if you don't like the groups - don't like them.

    don't worry, be happy - you had vistors :D

    always look on the bright side of life.

    :D :D :D
