Friday, October 1

5 things I hate about me...

Well, I have recently been suffering from what I call "plumbers nightmare." No, not diarrhoea. No, nothing to do with my "plumbing" but simple writers block.

I have been thinking about doing this topic for a while now and due to my lack of ideas it is coming out in all of it's full glory. So, here it is. 5 things I hate about me.

1. My sense of humour...

"Andrew, you have a very 'dry' sense of humour." - Ms Richardson (3rd year English)
This comment was given to me after a reflective essay. It was the first of many times I was told how I should be able to improve my writing. (It is also the only time I ever paid attention in English) This is the only reason I got my Int 2 A (and probably what stuck me in my Higher C)

 Deadpan is a form of comic delivery in which humour is presented without a change in emotion or body language, usually speaking in a casual, monotone, solemn, blunt or matter-of-fact voice and expressing an unflappably calm, archly insincere or artificially grave demeanor. This delivery is also called dry wit when the intent, but not the presentation, is humorous, oblique, sarcastic, or the effect is apparently unintentional. - Wikipedia (Deadpan/Dry Humour) 

This is how I have styled my writing ever since. It is how I have styled myself and my jokes in life. It has worked remarkably well... Until now.
Now that I am at Uni, my "Deadpan humour" isn't the most popular style. It's quite far down actually. Now that we have so many people around, you have to be "loud and proud." And this brings me to my next point...

2. Shyness...

I, blogger of feelings, maker of video blogs, ex-guitarist in a band, ex-always-first-to-volunteer-for-school-shows, am incredibly shy. I struggle to form relationships with anyone. I struggle to make conversation with new people.
I think this has something to do with how I was brought up... All through my childhood, I felt like a bit of an outsider for some irrational reason. This "irrational" fear that I am somehow, a freak, has been deeply ingrained into my mind and I can't shake the feeling about it.

3. My nose...

Genetics has gifted me with an incredibly long face, a large brain (not as handy as you might think) and an incredibly large nose... It's very handy for the other members of my family (who all wear glasses) but not so for me (who doesn't) I do know that this is may be bordering on "Oculist" (prejudiced against glasses) but I do not want glasses. Ever. I look enough like my brother as it is without needing to put glasses on my face as well. Unfortunately, also due to genetics, I am almost 100% guaranteed to need glasses. I think all of my direct relatives need glasses and I am slowly losing my long distance vision. Not good. 

4. My ability to take some things too seriously...

Sometimes, I can take things way too seriously. For example, a friend makes a joke about me and I don't talk to them for a week. This drains some of my much needed "friend-power" (I need as much as I can get...) and I can't stop myself. Sometimes, I wish I could laugh about this kind of thing at the time. I can laugh afterwards perfectly fine, but it's too late by then if I'm honest.

5. My addictive personality...

I have an addictive personality. Period. It doesn't take a lot to get me hooked on something. Facebook - 1 day. Bejewled Blitz - 30 seconds. Alcohol - Born that way.
This is why I have never smoked a cigarette. I fear for my finances, health and social life. I'm pretty sure I would be hooked very quickly. And it's not something I find attractive, cool or hygienic in other people, so it would tear me apart if I was addicted as I fought myself draw after draw.

That has been 5 things I hate about me. However, I have three final messages to put on this bad boy post of a blog...

1. Happy Birthday Olga... The cake's on her.
2. Happy 69th post all... The cake's on me.
3. A friendly Competition.

Complete the following sentence. (and post it in the comments on this or on my link on faceboogle...)

"The thing I like about myself is..."

I will be posting the 5 things I like about me in my next post, so I would like to know the best, the best, the best of yoooo... *foo fighters <3*

 Please use the "like and dislike" buttons at the top of each post. I do actually care what you all think. 

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. BAWS.

    Lol jk.

    I like my taste in music.

  2. i like my ability to randomly make friends
    (and just because im bored)
    i dislike the fact that i can be a complete perfectionist and hate myself extremely sometimes :D

    p.s. i love you andrew ;P
