Wednesday, October 6

My progress so far...

Well hello y'all. Isn't technology wonderful? Yes it is you bunch of hippies. Just go with it...

Anyway, I found a certain screen which is linked to my blog but I previously had no knowledge of. It's called "stats." Guess what I can find on said page? Yes, thats right. Stalker information... Kidding, kidding *shifty eyes*

Anyway, it basically tells me information about my blog. I now finally know my total site view count from when I started. The number as I write this blog is... One thousand one hundred and five.

*Jaw drops*

Umm, you must be sh****g me...

Over one thousand views? The hell? Whats going on here? It's scary to think that my page has been viewed over 1000 times. It makes me think that people actually care. *sniff* And yes, I did check that my page views aren't included. They aren't. So there.

So, after discovering this amazing piece of news I found another link on the page. Called "Audience." So basically, I know where people are viewing my blog from. And how many views are from each country. (I only know general locations, like countries, so you are not going to be stalked...) Obviously, me being from Britain, my vast majority of readers are Brittish. So good on you chaps. But I feel the need to welcome readers who are from other parts of the globe.

"Howdy" to my American viewers.
"Hullo" to my Canadian viewers.
"Olá" to my Brazilian viewers.
"안녕하세요" to my South Korean viewers.

These are my main views from other countries.
Other countries include the Netherlands, Germany/Bavaria, Singapore, Russia & Italy.
So anyway, heres the deal. I would like to know if you are reading this from a country that isn't my own. It's nice to think there are people around the world looking into my life. So please, leave a comment, saying hi (in your own language) and I'll get in touch with you.

What else can I find...

My most popular posts are this, this, and this.

46% of my readers use Internet explorer, 21% use Chrome and 17% use Firefox.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I really appreciate you "rabble" reading the ramblings of a simple Scottish boys adventures in life. Hopefully I can continue to provide a service which people will enjoy. Hopefully, my blog will spread even further into more and more countries. Hopefully it will spread into so many countries that I will effectively control the world... What, too soon?

My video blog will be continuing soon. Just hang on in there.
Also, I will smile in future videos. For the first few videos  I needed complete concentration to work this infernal contraption, therefore, I frown. Sorry bout that. I'm getting the hang of it though.

So that's my progress in the world domination front. I think it's coming along quite nicely. Spread the word people...

And that word is legs...

( Remember to make Andrew happy by clicking like or dislike at the top! =] And make him ecstatic by leaving a comment. =D )

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.