Monday, October 4

5 things I like about me...

Well then, I promised you all this. So I'm going to do it. For those of you who are concerned with me at the moment due to changes in my life. Don't be. I'm ok. So don't sweat it. I'm more concerned with stuff none of you know and I don't want to talk about at the moment. But it's no biggie. So don't worry.

5 things I like about me...

1. My outlook on life...

I consider myself as a "pessimistic optimist." While some people would view the glass "half empty" and some view it as "half full" I have a different look to it. I think it isn't how full the glass is that matters. It's what's in it. And how enjoyable I would find drinking it. Personally, if the glass was half filled with water that doesn't fill me with optimism (unless I was dying of thirst...) and if it was half empty of Irn-Bru I would be thrilled. I could finish the Irn-Bru and enjoy it while it lasted. It's quite a bit to get your head round I know. It took me years to work this out. Put simply, I don't worry about things if I can help it. I enjoy things while I can.

2. My perfectionistism... (yes that is a word.)

I believe that if a jobs worth doing, it's worth over doing. If I enjoy something, I will put my heart and soul into it. I like blogging. That's why it takes me a while to write one. I want to think about how other people would perceive this. I want to make sure I haven't made any major spelling or grammatical errors. I take pride in what I want to do. However, the flip side of this is that anything I don't enjoy (or don't want to do) will be a half-ars** effort from me. I just don't have enough energy to be a proper perfectionist.

3. Loyalties...

As quite a few people have told me, I have a somewhat weird sense of loyalty. If I believe someone is my friend, even if they aren't, I would help them when I could. If I know someone is my friend, I would go out of my way to defend them. And as for those people that mean the world to me, I'd do anything to keep them safe. In the past, this has got me into trouble (defending my brother, fighting people who insult my friends etc) but I believe it's worth it. Even though I rarely get thanked for it, I'd do it anyway.
If I give a promise to someone, I keep it. (which is why I rarely give "unending promises" they can get complicated)
My loyalty also applies to things that I use. I am "a creature of habit." I will always try and use the same computer. I'm pretty sure unless something major happens, I'll stay on Blogger. Purely because it does what I ask it to. And I'm used to it.

4. My averageness...

Well, when I look at myself, sure I think "You could be better Andrew," but I don't consider myself "ugly." I think I am firmly stuck in the "Not a great looker, but he's all right" place in life. It's a nice place to be. It means I can blend in to the background if I want but I can also "show off" if I feel the need. (that's not very often though, I need to give other guys a chance...)
I also used to be considered a geek at High School. (King of the Chess Team FTW!) but here, I am considered normal. I am not a jock. I am not an emo. I am not a skater. I am not a geek. I am normal and as such I can be who I want.

5. Quick thinking...

When a problem rears its ugly head in my life, I deal with it by thinking quickly and acting when I can. For some reason, I don't seem to panic. At all. It's almost as if I skip that step. When the need arises I act. For example, once on a holiday,
  I was on Homps "- the devil boat." It was "the devil boat" because it seemed to resist doing what we told it at all times... Anyway, we were going under a low bridge, when suddenly we heard an "OUCH" and a splash. Once I was on the deck, I saw my dad in the river after he had decided to headbutt a bridge. So, while my family panicked, I went to pick up the rope he had been tying up and pulled him in.
So, as you can see fast reactions are handy.
However, there are some times when I think too much and then it's annoying. But I get through. I just need to learn to disengage the noggin occasionally and just act.

Anyway, I believe that is all I need to do to satisfy the title. 5 things I like about me. It feels weird talking about yourself positively, but I think everyone should try it. It makes things just seem a little better. And trust me, I know.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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