Friday, October 15

Tomorrow shapes my future...

Well, as much as I'd like my post to live up to such an awesome and inspirational title, it isn't. I am not going to discover a cure for aids. Or stop war for ever. Or discover alien life. No, tomorrow, I get my eyes tested.

This is something that has scared me since I was 8. I knew roughly about genetics/inheritance and knew that there was a fair chance I would lose my eyesight partly at some point in my life. Well, I feel it happening. I can see it happening. My long distance vision is slowly blurring. It's not terrible but it's enough to make me notice it, especially during lectures.

So anyway, one of my biggest fears may be realised tomorrow. Hearing that I will need glasses, contact lenses or laser surgery. I don't particularly want glasses... Not because I have anything against glasses or people who wear them, but because I don't suit glasses. At all.

Therefore, if the worst comes to the worst, contacts are getting bought. I'm guessing it'll take a while to get used to them, but once I have, it should become second nature to take them out and put them in. Hmm, I guess this means I could change my eye colour...

That's really all I have for you at the moment. I'll give you a brief update during the weekend about my eyes.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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