Wednesday, October 20

A little bit of everything.

You may have noticed the purple. That's for the people who feel that they have to kill themselves because of who they are or who they like. Who you like doesn't matter. Whether you are gay, straight or somewhere inbetween. If both of you feel the same way, you should be happy. If there is no one, then I know it's pretty terrible, but things will get better (eventually).

Anyway, that's my bit for world peace and a bit of tolerance in the world. Just letting you all know.


Today was a big day for me. I went to see Simon Pegg. He signed my book. =3

He commented on my green chequered shirt. "Whoa, that's a lot of green." and "I could play against you at chess on that. Actually, we could have a tournament."

Probably the best thing that's happened to me recently.


Long forgotten friends of Andrew.

Hear me now.

If you want to meet up. Message me.



My birthday is soon. My 18th birthday. WOOPAH! Presents are not negotiable. Get them. NOW!

(6th of November people. Remember it.)


This weekend, the McArdle clan will be assembling to celebrate my 18th (two weeks early) I'm expecting lots of pasta. Lots of.


That'll do for now I think.
A more organised post next time hopefully.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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