Thursday, October 14

A post of many topics.

Well then, hello and welcome back to my pit of self depression and pity. I thought I'd try writing this blog the way I did back when I started and see what happens.
Onwards and upwards then...

Today was my first as a real student.

After spending up until closing time in the student union bar drinking with Chrimbo and Irving, I stayed up until 2/3 in the morning doing god only knows what. Now that's stereotypical student. Yeah. I feel proud. 
I then slept until past midday for the first time in my whole life. (Normally I'm up by 10 at the latest) Now that's stereotypical student. Yeah. I feel proud.
I then knocked back as many paracetamol as I could (legally and safely...) and nursed a headache for an hour and a half. Now that's stereotypical student. Yeah. I feel proud.

I asked for your help. And you answered. More than I expected. So, to reward your loyalty, here is a post on all of the comments (at time of writing...) So here is my posts on your comments.

-God/Satan/Reincarnation/Jehovah's Witnesses.-

After having a massive philosophical debate with Zoe earlier. I have a new found belief in something. I'm still attempting to work out what. But the important thing is that I believe right? 
Satan. Well, "I talk to god as much as I talk to Satan cause I want to hear both sides..." <3 the Biff... Anyway, I know very little on this topic. Satan is meant to be the epitome of Evil. He is to be despised and cursed and never trusted. So technically, Satan is Hitler. Yeah, I went there. Me and Chris have a long standing joke of me slipping Hitler into my English essays. So here it is. Also, I like how spell check is telling me Satan is spelt with a capital but god is not. Hmm, obviously Bill Gates has connections...
Reincarnation- If I have to go through all this s**t again, I'll not be happy...
Jehovah's witnesses. If any of them somehow manage to get through the locked door to get to my door, then 
a) I'm assuming they are demons.
 b) I will act accordingly. 
  c) I will get arrested for my following actions.

Barbie is America's insidious way of corrupting our female (and occasionally male) youths (and occasionally older individuals...) into buying plastic dolls which have unrealistic features and giving them an incorrect view of beauty. Most plastic surgeons are only in business because of Barbie. D**n you Barbie. Cindy would never do that to us.

Annoying things people do...
Oh dear god. Here goes...
Eating loudly, saying they're ugly when they obviously aren't, saying they're ugly when you don't think so, "cutsie-pie" wall to walls, public snogging, people who throw up on the toilet seat and leave it there, dumping Andrew by text... Shagging your best mate, kicking Andrew with high heels, not commenting on my blog, not understanding my complex relationship structures, mocking me for what I do, waiting for you to walk up to a door holding it open then closing it in your face, shouting at Andrew for things he hasn't done. People who are drunk on trains, people who are dedicated to the IRA or whatever it is and who have no tenable links to Ireland. Supporting Celtic or Rangers, dancing naked in public, using blackberries...

This video...
Well, communism lives... 
It is an epic song though...

So, by BNP I'm going to assume you mean the Bangladesh National Party. They are the mainstream center-right political party in Bangladesh. It is currently the largest opposition party in the Jatiyo Sangshad, the Parliament of Bangladesh. They could be compared to the Conservatives. (Wikipedia.)

Being Independent. 
Well, Independence sucks. You have to do everything yourself and the pay is terrible. You want my advice? Live with your mum as long as you can. She knows how to iron. And you don't. So make use of that talent. 

The guy code...
It does not exist. Do not search for it. Especially if you have breasts. Us guys are selfish jerks because we want to be not because of a "code" *shifty eyes*

Why the zombie apocalypse will never happen?
Because Chuck Norris watches over us...

The prominence of Penguins in J-pop. 
That should explain all you need to know about penguins and why we should wipe them off the face of the planet.

Why MGT rocks? 
It doesn't. Deal with it Ruari.

Peace out bubs. 
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. why do i get the feeling the high heels thing could have something to do with me? *looks guilty and apologetic*
