Monday, September 27

A set of rules.

Well, 'tis Monday people. You know what that means? It means Andrew has one lecture today. And it's at 9.15. And I can't get back to sleep. Not fun. Cause I'm bored rigid. I've even tried doing my homework... And that doesn't happen very often. Unfortunately, the chemistry department in their infinite wisdom have decided that I cannot complete this homework until tomorrow, as they haven't taught me what I need to know to do the last question. F**king geniuses...

Anyway, I thought I'd give you all a taste of the rules that I have to put up with. As a chemistry student, as a resident of Heriot-Watt and as a Pentland Ghettoian.

Chemistry student...
All lectures and tutorials must be attended. A register is taken at lectures/tutorials/lab sessions so it will be known to us if you are late. You must SIGN your name, NOT print. This is to prevent you getting your friends to mark you present when you aren't.
Well this makes me such a proud chemist. They don't trust us enough to turn up to every lecture so they keep a register. If I ever miss anything I must fill in an absenteeism sheet. If I miss 5 days, I need a note from the doctor.
All chemistry students MUST purchase a lab coat, safety goggles and rubber gloves from the department. The cost is £17.50.
That seems a bit silly to me. They have spare lab coats. They have spare safety goggles. They have disposable rubber gloves. SO WHY CAN'T I BORROW THEM INSTEAD OF WASTING £17.50! It's not like I have other things to buy...
All chemistry students MUST purchase "Chemistry" (Book) cost £17.50 from the department. Or £30 from the book shop. Only 100 copies available.
Whaaaaaaa! Well, luckily I had money on me when they dropped that bombshell. So I got it cheaper.

Resident of Heriot-Watt...
Students must obey the "noise-curfew." This is Midnight (Sun-Thu) and 1.30 on Fri & Sat.
Yes, this is to allow anyone with classes the next day a chance to sleep. I totally agree with this. However, it isn't enforced and drunk people can be heard in the courtyard well into 4 in the morning on a Wednesday.
Students wishing a guest must speak to their "hall warden." The general rule is you are allowed 3 nights a week with a guest. (This can be 3 nights with one guest or 1 night with 3 different guests) ONLY ONE GUEST AT A TIME!!
This is better than some of the rules other Universities have in place for guests *cough* Stirling *cough* and I like it. I was also told by the warden that I am not to wake him up at two in the morning to say "I'm getting lucky..." So you can get away with a lot in this department.
Rooms must be kept clean and tidy for when the cleaners come to hoover your room. Your day is a Thursday/Friday. 
Wait a sec, I have to clean my room so someone can clean it? Right, Health and Safety have had a ball on this one. Cleaners are not allowed to lift anything in your room other than the waste bin. Hmm, this is a bit stupid to me.

Pentland Ghettoian.
You must keep up the reputation of our beloved hall. For example, if you are playing croquet with a friend from Pentland and someone from another hall is approaching, IMMEDIATELY start hitting each other with the mallets.
At one point in the year, you are to take something ridiculous from another hall. For example, a fridge freezer.
You must be drinking at least one day a week. Or else.

Well, those are my rules. See if you can guess which set I made up...

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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