Monday, September 13

Some TLC for my blog.

Sorry about the past week or so, I seem to have forgotten my roots and went video crazy. I am sorry. It won't happen again. I think I got caught up in the hurricane of web-cams, s*** Microphones and "Windows Live Video Editor". To prevent me from doing this horrible thing EVER AGAIN I have devised a cunning timetable. Here are my thought so far.

1. Sundays are now "Rant-days" Anyone following me on YouTube will know that I recently named this event. This will be one of the videos I do every week. (If you have a suggestion, place it in the comments section on my YouTube video. If you don't have an account then I guess you can put it on one of my blogs. Either way I'll get it eventually. I will pick the best using the age old tradition of picking it out of a hat.)

2. Wednesdays will be the only other day where I break out the video blog. This is due mainly to the fact I'm off on Wednesdays. Well, I say off. I have one lecture for the whole day. And it's at 9.15. So, to all intents and purposes I have a day off.

3. Rabbits look awfully like Hares to me...

4. My blog will be updated every Monday and Friday. These posts will possibly be shorter than you're used to but that's that. At least I'll do them that way.

Zog. I have a s*** microphone.

Well, all that aside. I had my first lectures today. At 9.15 in the morning... Well, to a lot of you that might be "ANDREW, I GET UP AT 6 EVERY MORNING TO MILK MY COWS!!!!!" Well, poooey to you. I have no cows. Thats why I don't get up at 6. However, I have got quite used to sleeping at 4 and waking up at 12. My body clock has run out of batteries. Or maybe it needs wound up. It's one of the two. I forget which. Anyway, what I'm getting at is to keep your watches in time. It's very useful when you need to get up to milk the cows...

I think that shall do for now.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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