Thursday, September 2

To be a child...

Well then. I've done it. I've finally gone and done it. Done what? Watched "The Lion King." That's what. Anyway, that means that I'm temporarily a child. For the first time. At the age of 17. Woop! Well anyway, I'm now living out my childhood in true childishness. Playing pokemon and eating an icicle. S'all good people. S'all good. Thank you Zoe for letting me live my childhood at last.

Anyway. Yesterday was going to be my last night as an explorer. Due to organisational errors, not on my part, explorers was cancelled. I would like to apologise to anyone who this may have affected and offer them a great big hug as compensation. Or failing that you can come see me in Edinburgh. Or both. Whatever you want really.

So, organisation. Yeah, thats important in life. So how come nothing I do seems to have any hint of organisation. Explorers - none. Swimming - none. Moving out - Little to no organisation.Yeah, I'm gonna do very well at Uni I think.

Now, I just remembered about something. Yearbook. Can anyone tell me what the hell I've to do about getting one? I don't really want to bother Eva about it, cause she's like satan when it comes to these books of years. So yeah, any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

Well, this'll do until I get to Edinburgh. My next post will be from a different county people. So enjoy.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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