Saturday, August 28

Last one out get the lights please...

Right then. It's started. People are moving on/away/out. I know perfectly fine that me just saying this will make at least one of my readers almost cry but this has to be said.

We're growing up. Soon, I shall watch the Lion King, have my childhood for about a day and then have it snatched away from me about two hours later. No idea how it'll be taken, but I intend having fun finding out.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I seem to do that more often nowadays, no idea why. Anyway, back on topic...
Well, one of my new friends has left. And I say new. I mean new. I barely knew her at all. I only met her a few times. So I can't claim to be affected nearly as much as some of the other people I know. But just seeing how well they seem to be taking it has shown me that "goodbye" doesn't necessarily mean "goodbye." I mean, she'll be gone a while and I really feel for two of my friends, both of whom I have gotten very close to very quickly and both of whom are very close to her. Anyway, she'll be back. So chin up and all that motivational stuff I can usually think of. Things like you can still talk to her. And imagine the party when she comes back... That kind of stuff.

So, this got me thinking. About when I leave. Next Saturday. Yeah, that soon. What will happen then? I don't think anyone likes me enough to shed a tear at me leaving. I don't particularly think anyone cares. "He's just going across the river. What does that matter?" Yeah, I know that. But it really makes me feel a little bit sad that my moving away will not have an impact on anyone. It annoys me that a lot of people don't care about the whole "Andrews leaving thing". I care. A lot. I've always struggled around people as I am not a people person. I am a loner, born and bred. I have a few close friends, many aquaintances and people I don't know. I'm leaving that behind. Unlike other people who have friends and people they haven't befriended yet. I'm not that kind of person. I can't make friends with people without help, as sad as that sounds...

Well, the advantage to me leaving before many others is that I don't need to get upset at people leaving me. As far as all are concerned I'm ditching all of you guys. Yeah. That sounded better in my head... It's funny. I've spent 17 years itching to get out of here and then I finally get a reason to stay just before I leave. Fan-bloody-tastic.
Oh well. As I said, you will probably see me again. Whether it's part of a video call, in person or in my v-blog (which is still in the R&D phase people, so don't hold your breath...)

So, everyone else that's leaving later than me. Or people that aren't leaving. This is my official apology to ditching you all. I am sorry. As I always post at the end "Peace out bubs." I mean it this time. Think about how you can "Peace out."

Anyway, goodbye Mary. Enjoy South Africa. I couldn't write anything suitable on your comment thing after I saw what Scott and Zoe had put. So, I did what I could do. I wrote a post in my blog. Enjoy yourself. Don't be sad about leaving anyone behind. They'll still be here when you get back. I know you probably won't read this but it's making me feel better. So, there you go. Look forward to the massive party when you get back. Cause I know I am...

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. fair enough you feel like your leaving will not have an impact on people but it will man, its just that most people dont really have th foresight to see that far ahead as they are stuck in the 'now'' with their own problems, but dont worry it will kick in for them. as for myself im not sad your going, im annoyed that i wont be able to hang out as much with you (but by god when u turn 18 im getting you so drunk you wont be able to see!!) simply put, you do have an effect on peoples lives, and they will miss you, it just takes time to kick in. and i can understand your way of dealing with it as mines is the same except because of events that happened very recently i have decided to cut off all contact to my old glenrothes friends group all together (well at least the dickheads) but cheer up old bean if you really dont like some of your new flatmates we can always go hannibal lecter on their ass (just make sure your stocked up well on father beans and chianti ;P) no doubt youll reply so talk to you soon :)

  2. that was quite moving scott... *sniff*

    HANNIBAL FTW!!!! ¬¬
