Sunday, August 1

Andrews European Adventure - Part the end...

14- "Almost done now"
Belgium. Home of the waffle. Home of comics. Home of confusing Andrew with hidden street names and stupid maps and multiple corners and general tiredness. Well, we arrived. And I was tired. So for some reason that has yet to be fathomed, I was sent to find out about the shuttle bus for tomorrow. While suffering from a nice combination of heatstroke, exhaustion and hunger,I did my damndest to find the shuttle bus... twenty minutes and two pickpockets later, I still haven't found it. So as I head back to the group, I find it. Across the road from where I started. Combine this with my hunger and exhaustion, and you find yourself one peeved McArdle.
Got to hospital, sorry, Youth hostel and went to my ward, sorry, room. It's so easy to get the two mixed up when your bed has waterproof sheeting. Hopefully, I'm not scheduled for a "routine rectal examination" or something. Cause I am not in the mood. At all. Think world endingly bad, and you're not even close.
On the upside, I can speak French again. So instead of being completely oblivious (Germany and Prague), I am now only partially oblovious. :) This is opposed to my "voluntary obliviousness" in Scotland. All is well.
Money, wonga, Moolah, dosh. Whatever you call it, it's not looking good. So, in order to keep me alive, I have given all my money to "the Grand Chancellor of McArdle," Dene, all of my money and given him strict instructions only to give me money for food and non-alcoholic drinks. That should make it last slightly longer. Which is good. I am hungry though.
Well, bed time now. At 9 o clock. Good times...
15- "The last day..."
Well, thats what I call a power nap. 12 hours. Wooo! I actually don't feel tired for the first time in two weeks. Thats a good thing as I'll be up all day. And night.
Well, one day to complete all those silly missions given to us on day one. Easy. No Problem. Get haircut... Done. I even got gel too. Photo with police. Scary, but easy. Buy souveneir. Thats trickier. For some reason, Belgium is obsessed with peeing statues. So what are all the souveneirs of? Peeing statues. Well, I don't see a statue of a little boy peeing as appealing. At all. In any way shape or form. It's just not right really...
Dene, Grand Chancellor, has found it in his heart to buy me food. Pizza in fact. I have never enjoyed a piece of pizza so much in my life. First decent meal since Berlin. And that was 3/4 days ago. Hooray! I am not hungry for the first time in two weeks. Wooo!
Now, I am waiting at Charleroi airport. Soon, I shall be back in Scotland. Yay! This trips been very fun, but I can't wait to get home and have a day where I do nothing. At all. I'm looking forward to this. I can visit my other friends. I can make up for missing "E-in-the-pond." I can have a shower without worrying about smelling worse after I leave. I can write a blog without giving a "sneak preview." I can go on faceboogle for less than £2. I can comfortably(ish) speak the local lingo.
Anyway, this is the last of my European Adventure series. If you've read all these, good for you. Well done. Congratulations. Now go outside and run about. Now. Seriously. It's bad enough that I copied all this. Go and have your own adventure however you can.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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