Friday, August 20

Another day, another party...

Well then peeps. What's shaking? Andrew has been, umm, enjoying himself the last few weeks. I think I can safely say, I've had more fun in the last two weeks than I've had in the rest of my life. Yeah, that much fun. WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, schools back... Oh wait, that doesn't bother me... Hmm, what else can I type about then...

Well, nothing really. I've been partying hard and my head is almost permanently fuzzy and my parents are complaining about drinking and girlfriends and camping and stuff. You know "the talk"... Well, I got it again at the age of 17. Yeah, I'm mature enough to see why I have been given it again. That doesn't make it any easier... It's still embarassing for me whenever my mum mentions the "s" word. Even worse when my dad does. I try my best to reassure them and tell them I'm not stupid and I won't do anything when drunk and basically tell them "I'm a good boy, drop it."
However, every time I do this reasurance, I get the "I'm not ready to be a grandmother..." and "It's only for peeing Andrew." Well... I'm not ready to be a father. And as for the other thing... Moving on.

Well, away from embarassing topics. I have been told that my last explorer meeting will be at conservation on the 1st of September. If you are an explorer, turn up. It'd be nice for you to be there for my leaving thing. If you go to conservation and read this. Turn up on pain of death. It'll likely be one of your few chances to see me before I bugger off to Edinburgh.

Sunday is my dads birthday. I still need an awesome present. Any ideas would be appreciated. At all. Be as wide or as helpful as you want. Leave suggestions in the comment section below...

Now, I have been told that video blogs are better than written blogs. Well, I have no opinion on the matter. I would be willing to give it a shot but would need some help, as I do not want to do two blogs alone. Also, I hate the sound of my voice...

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. Book him a ride around our beautiful town *rolls eyes* in a long pink limo, with men in thongs dancing on, in and around it xD

  2. hard...
    video blogs are annoying.
    are you voice is awfull...:D

  3. grrr... ¬¬

    I know, i hate listening to my own voice... :L

  4. Dude if you want someone to help you rant at the internets then im up for it.
    I need something to do anyway
