Sunday, August 22

Another day in the life of a Raith Rovers Pieman...

Righto, yesterday was the Kdy derby. Dunfermline visiting Starks Park to try and beat s**t out of people. Yeah, really. They do.

Well, anyway, as I was down the high street attempting to get my dad his present and then head to work, I got caught by the police. In the middle of a Dunfermline supporting group. So obviously, because I was near them, look aged 17-21, I must be here to cause trouble... Well, I wasn't. I was trying to get to work. I ended up being late because the police wanted us to hold hands and cross roads at the same time. Well, not really. But you get the picture. Eventually, I managed to wriggle my way out of the stampede and got to work. Only to be told "You're late. I thought you said you'd be early today." Umm, no I didn't. I said I'd turn up. I never gave a specific time. And at least I got there in one piece, I got so many evils from people I knew for associating with the Pars and it looked like they wanted to tear out my eyes and skullf**k me. No kidding.

Anyway, from 2 til quarter to 5, I was on non-stop service. So, no break. At all. Well, that could be ok. If I didn't have to deal with idiots...

"How much is a cheeseburger?"
"A pie?"
"So, what do you want?"
In head... *W````r*

"Can I get a cheeseburger?"
"We've no burgers left sorry."
In head... *Oh god not again...* See, "A day in the life of a Raith Rovers Pieman..."  for previous reference...

"I'll have a pie" (Said by 4 year old)
"Whats the magic word?"
"Little fu... Get out of the queue."

Yeah. Interesting stuff.

Well, I think this will keep you entertained a little bit. Remember, any input from readers is appreciated. If you want me to do a post about a specific subject, or just want to suggest something, comment.

If you want to ask a question, go here...  and I'll answer.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. and you expect what?
    Polite, intelligent and orderly customers at a football match?
    that's an oxymoron right there

  2. No, i expect that from Dunfermline fans...

    Not from Raith fans. Also, it's inda annoying that parents send their little kids up with a £20 note and don't teach them manners...

    I seem to be ranting in mini form...
