Monday, August 2

It's almost time...

Well, now my European, umm, torture is over, I can blog freely now. So lets do this thang...


Right, one very slight problem. I don't know what to blog about. Well, I do. But I'm not going to yet. And the "e.r's" are just asking for me to get a kicking. (I'm sorry people. I did my work in 5th year so I could piss about in 6th year. And it paid off...) So, despite this making me a very unpopular person I shall dedicate this blog to "the e.r"


Now, I am not talking about a popular television program. I am talking of course about Exam Results. Yeah, I know there are many people out there who need very good results to get to uni/college/whatever. I know there are people who have worked very hard last year and I am pretty sure they will be rewarded. Now, I want anyone who thinks they worked as hard as they possibly could last year to raise your hand. I'm betting I have less than 2 people with raised hands. And I'm not one of them. As I said, I planned for this. I did all my "difficult" highers in 5th year, got average results, applied to uni (with a beast of a personal statement even if I do say so myself) and got 5 unconditionals and a rejection. (Yes, I do know that adds up to 6. It's a teensy bit complicated) I think I took the right approach to life for once. I probably should have worked harder in 6th year. I probably should be bothered about my Advanced Higher results. But I'm not. Not because I don't need them. But because I haven't put much effort into last year, so why should I put any in now? Exactly.


So anyway, good luck all. I've got my fingers crossed for everyone. Honest. I don't want anyone to fail, or not to get into Uni because they got a C instead of a B. It just seems a bit, well, stupid to me.


I can't remember if I've ranted about grades, so if I have, sorry.


I really do not see why many things we are taught in school are relevent to our lives outside of school. Come on, I highly doubt I'll need to know the equation of a straight line on my current "career path." I know I will never need to critically analyse a film. I proably won't need music at all. (but I enjoy that, so it doesn't really count)


For those of you who don't know, I'm away to Heriot Watt University in September to study a Masters in Chemistry. Yeah. I know. Chemistry. I distinctly remember in 3rd year, I wanted to drop the bloody subject. And here I am. Off to uni to do a subject I used to hate. Also, Heriot Watt. I remember 5th year. The presentations by all the unis. Well, after H.W's presentation, me and chris both said "I don't want to go there..." Well, I am. And to my knowledge, no one else is.


So, that means one thing. New people. People that I won't know and they won't know me. There was a point in my life where I wanted to start over and now that it's here, I don't want to. The unknowns a scary place. And I'm going in alone...


I'm sorry to all the people who are not guaranteed their place at University/college/whatever yet but this is my blog. So I can hardly do a post on something which isn't happening to me. If I didn't have my place, I'd be a very different person right now. But I'd have also worked so much harder last year. So I'd be a little bit more confident in my results. So, if you have worked, I hope you get it. If you haven't, fingers crossed...


My predictions for my results are very optimistic.

AH Physics - C
AH Chemistry - C
AH Geography - B
H Music - B
So I think I'll pass. But I'm prepared to fail, as always.

To olga, I am now on 53 posts. Like you, I never thought I'd last this long. I didn't think people would be interested in the rantings of a sarcastic know-it-all. Well, I'm still here. As are you. Wooop! I'm thinking party...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. To be fair 99% of that was about your European adventures ;) haha but I am very proud of you and this blog, because not many people seem to care about theirs anymore, and we're still going. WOO go us :D

  2. YAY!!!! It's cause we're awesome...

  3. I could think of another reason which doesn't involve being awesome...

  4. it's because we're more awesome than awesome :O
