Sunday, September 5

A fresh(ers) view on University.

Well then peeps. I'm at Uni now. Yeah, big news. I am in Pentland Hall A. Room 1... I'll tell you the rest if you're nice. Anyway, I have been here for about 24 hours now. I miss home. I miss my friends. I miss getting free food from my parents. I miss getting told what to do. I have freedom here. And I don't like it. It's scary. I can do anything. And I mean anything. I have been to a gig. I have played guitar. I have watched a DVD. I have been on the internet, once we got it working... But yeah, if I want to go out, I just go out. If I want to have crisps, I just have crisps. If I want to have a poker tournament in my jail cell room, then... you get the drift.

This brings me to my next topic. I'm a fresher now. I'm back into the education system and I'm on the lowest rung again. Everythings new. Everythings scary. I'm scared. I'm worried. What if's are going through my mind like wildfire. What if I get locked out of my room? What if the fire alarm goes off? What if I run out of money. What if I miss enrolment? But yeah, if you are coming to Uni soon, be prepared for a shock. It's extremely different to life at home.

Something else. Everything costs money. Gigs. Food. Washing. Phones. Books. Yes, I now have to budget. Oh dear god help me. Well, I've done well so far. Taking advantage of the CU's free pizza meal if you went to the service was a good idea I think. If it's free, I'll be there. At least, thats my plan. Hopefully everything follows it. But as we know, my life has a way of just going terribly wrong in a matter of seconds. So, fingers crossed on that not happening.

I've met a few new people. All of whom are very nice. I just need to remember names now. I'm terrible with names. This'll be fun. I'll call Callum, Geoff. And Geoff, Christine. And Chris, Chris. Well, I've known Chris for ages. So unless he changes appearance, I'll recognise him.

Well, I've given the tour of my room 3 times via webcam. If you want it, let me know. And I'll organise a time slot for you. Also, anything for me to put on my walls would be appreciated. Posters, photos, drawings, doodles and flags are especially welcome. Let me know if you have anything along those lines, or something I haven't thought of. Cheers.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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