Sunday, September 26

A notification...

After long and careful deliberation (about 5 minutes eating ice-cream) I have decided to temporarily stop video blogging. This is due to the Microphone problem. Once I have "acquired" a new Mic, I shall continue vlogging. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Anyway, here's a rant. It is rant day after all.

I was heading home from Hogwarts on friday when a man sat next to me. This normally doesn't bother me. However, he stunk of smoke, alcohol and piss. He spent the whole journey on the phone to various people talking about how he was "now out of the joint" and "looking for work" and talking about drugs. Hmm, not exactly a comfortable situation to be in. So, my rant is this. This guy was in prison for some undisclosed reason. He then gets out and immediately looks for drugs. Hmm, anyone else see a problem with this? Cause I do. Yes, lots of people will say it's societies fault, placing disadvantaged people with nowhere else to go. Some will say that it's his own bloody fault and should do something about it. Well, personally, I think that a) the guy should get a job. (a proper job that doesn't involve breaking peoples legs or something.) b) He should be given a second chance, but if he balls that up, he deserves nothing. c) he shouldn't be allowed on public transport. Seriously, he stank up the whole bus. You could see that 90% if the bus was going to throw up and the other 10% were going to ask if "he had any." Life in the city is wonderful. Come and visit.

Please continue to suggest rants to me, just send me a message, I'll get it. Once the Vlog is back up, I might consider a special rant to celebrate, so I would like EPic suggestions. The crazier the better.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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