Wednesday, September 8

Stepping into the future...

Whats happening peeps? I'll tell you whats happening. The first ever video of me on YouTube thats what. Well, the first of them posted by me anyway... Yeah. Take that society.
Anyway, as I say in the video, this to me is still my main blog. Maybe in the future that will change but right now. Writing is God. Not video. However, I urge you to watch the video found here as it 1. actually shows my face. 2. is an ok start (I hope) and 3. It can only get better. I hope you will go visit it and comment appropriately so that I know what I should put in the next one. Right now, it will mainly be about what happens at University but if you want other stuff in it just let me know and I'll be happy to oblige. Also, as it will be very irregularaly posted it's probably easiest if you subscribe to my you tube channel. Just so you know, I will not spam you. No one else has access to my channel. No company owns my soul. And if they did they would be awesome like microsoft... Yeah. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, I'm now into a new branch of tech. I've no idea if anyone I know does anything like it but I have given it a bash. I never knew video editing could be quite so stressful though... Hopefully it gets easier as time goes on.

So, just one last advertisement for it. Go here. Now. Watch the video and let me know what you think. Let me know how my University compares to yours. Let me know if you're scared of going to University. Let me know that you think it's s*** and you hope I die in a blazing fireball. Just let me know something peeps cause I want to know.

So, anyway, thats all I really wanted to do if I'm honest. Say hi to me next time you're on facebook.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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