Monday, December 27

The 7 deadly sins - Gluttony and Lust.

Oooft. It's time for another blog post. No, it is still not blog 'o' clock and it never will be. Sorry. Stop pestering me about bloody blog 'o' clock. Thank you.

Anyway, it is time to unleash the beast...


Gluttony - "a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy"
Well, as any of you who have seen me recently know, I have put on a little bit of weight. I have a belly that could rival Buddha at the moment and I'm not proud of it. I can think of many excuses for why I am now "rotund." I ate too much, I have an infection in my intestine, I am pregnant, I am two people in one body, I have worms, I have an alien symbiote living in my tummy. Seriously, I could go on for ever with these bad boys. So, anyway, here is the honest truth. I like to eat. I enjoy food too much. It didn't help my "emergency spending" last month to wipe my catering card, but still, I am not happy with the way that things have worked out. I shall do something about it though. Soon. (Liposuction. DIY style.)


Lust - an inordinate craving for carnal pleasure

Now, I know there are a fair few of my readers who have been eagerly awaiting this deadly sin ever since I announced doing this. Well, I say fair few...

Right, I suppose I should stop stalling and just go for it. I don't think I fall for this sin. It says "inordinate" in the definition. So what I do, is completely justifiable. Even if it does involves rubber ducks and squeezy cheese. I don't "lust" more than once a day. Well, hour. Well, every 15 minutes. Well, I don't go around constantly fiddling with myself. Well... Let's leave it there shall we.

Now, I do not like porn. Sorry to disappoint. I can't give any tips on where to find awesome breasts or merciless rape or whatever. You'll just need to find them yourself. And I'm fairly sure some of you know where to look... But anyway, I digress. Seriously, I don't like it. Drop the subject.

Seriously, as a "slightly god-fearing" teen, this is a subject I find hard to discuss. I can't really see where this fits in to my life. I do not constantly crave sex. I do not constantly monitor the net for new porn. I do not "jack off" every day. So, going by that, I think I'm doing well.

Sorry about the cop out on the lust topic. Seriously could not think of what to put.

Next time, it's the last bit. "Greed, Envy & Pride"

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. gluttony = me
    lust = gagging for a f#@k 24/7
