Wednesday, December 8

Controversy Corner

Well, I do believe it is officially time for me to post up a blog. Does that make it "blog o'clock"? No, cause officially, that's someone else's thing...
Anyway, what I want to do is get my opinions on some things out in the open for all to hear. I want feedback! If you agree, say so. If you don't, I want to know why! My opinions are not set in stone. So then, here we go...

Now, people are regularly dumped into "Pro-life" or "Pro-choice." I've been dumped in "Pro-life" because of two main reasons. 1) I'm catholic. 2) I don't agree with killing.
So therefore, I automatically qualify to be "Pro-life!" Congratulations! Welcome to the club! Handshakes for all!
Hold on there.
I am not "Pro-life." I do believe in "adoption not abortion" but if the mothers health is in danger because of a pregnancy, who am I to reduce her chances of survival? A git of a human being if you ask me.
Hey, that makes you "Pro-choice!" Congratulations! Welcome to the club! Handshakes for all!
HANG ON! Oh what's the use.
Let me put this as simply as possible. Abortions are acceptable in extreme circumstances, when the health of the mother or child is in danger. This does not mean I agree with "Pro-choice." I'm a shade of grey in-between the two. You know, where the vast majority of people are. But we aren't blowing up abortion clinics or holding up quite so many placards, so we don't get as much attention.
What do you think about abortions? Are you "Pro-choice" or "Pro-life"? Let me know!

Assisted Suicide
This is a very complicated matter... If someone is in pain every single day of their life with no hope of recovery then should we allow them to die if they wish to do so? To be honest, I don't know. I can only speak for myself when I say that I am extremely afraid of death and I would choose to cling on to life as long as I could. Why am I so afraid of death? Hmm, maybe because it's a tad too permanent for my liking. If I don't like being dead, there's no "backsies." A deals a deal. You're out and you ain't getting another go (To reincarnationists, I'll add "in the same body") and I've grown rather attatched to this suckish life of mine.
Anyway, I don't believe that you can put a blanket ban on this. This is something for more intelligent people than me to argue about.
Comments on this? Do you have any ideas?

Well, you all saw this one coming. At the moment, this is the controversial issue. I think that what wikileaks is the right thing to do. However, I do appreciate that some things need to be kept secret. Such as? Military stuff. I'd rather not have every country in the world know exactly where all of my weapons are kept. I'd rather keep that kind of thing quiet. However, what a diplomat (however idiotic) has said about a prince's shoes/sex life/racist habits should be known. Stopping it is against the right to free speech and I think that free speech is what stops us from being like North Korea...
What do you think state security or freedom of speech? Opinions?

Nuclear power.
Yes. I do agree with nuclear power. Something that can provide that much power while producing very little pollution agents has to be used. I do not believe this is the only solution. Other alternatives must be used as well. A nuclear plant in every county just gives me the heeby-jeebies... Sure they are safe. I still don't want one next door...
What do you think? Let me know.

(This is what will happen if a country gets a nuclear erection and decides to launch the nukes...)
Any situation which will result in the deaths of most of the worlds species is bad in my books. However, with more and more countries gaining access to nuclear weapons, I am starting to worry. Countries have them as "deterants" but in order for it to "deter" then you need them to believe that you will launch that missile. For some reason, I don't think big democratic countries will want that kind of responsibility over their heads. But what if a communist country who hate every country in the world got hold of some... Then we're all going to hell in a paper boat people. In that situation, I suggest finding the ones you love and saying goodbye. We might not have the balls to strike first, but we will strike back. No escape for any.
Do you believe this could happen? Comments?

Right then, thats enough for now. Remember, I want people to react to this. I want people to tell me what they think. Comment below, message me, comment on the link on facebook, tweet me, whatever. Let me know what you think.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. Pro-choice - not because I believe abortion is the right answer but I don't believe anyone has the right too ban a potential parents from considering all the options. Emphasis on potential parents, I believe the father should get a say if he wants one.

    Assisted suicide - while some people want to hold on to life others may find living in pain too much, it should be legalised and left up to the individual.

    Wikileaks - good on the guy that published it. Free speech for the win and the fact that Americans want him executed for treason show just how idiotic they are, and exactly why they should be put in the corner with the bubble wrap.

    Nuclear power - don't know much about it, sounds environmental friendly but the connotations of nuclear aren't too awesome.

    Mutually-Assured-Destruction - take away America, Asia (including the middle east) and Russia's weapons and we'll be fine. Everyone else is far to laid back to do anything. If not...we are all eventually fucked...I'm looking at you north and south Korea

    There all done.

  2. Here's two cents from me because I have zero else to do.


    Pro Choice, If you can't afford to properly raise, pay for, and care for a child, then you shouldn't give birth to one. Abortion is preferable to adoption to me, because although some great people adopt kids, and they end up having great lives, many won't.

    This isn't so much an issue in welfare states like the UK, but it is a big issue in third world counties. It has been shown time and time again that empowering, and giving women control of their own birth patterns tremendously helps against poverty.

    You can hardly raise yourself out of the gutter when you have yet another mouth to feed because abortion is "Immoral" or in many cases Illegal, and you were simply uneducated or unlucky enough to become pregnant, perhaps because certain influential groups preach about condoms being against god (The pope).

    Assisted Suicide

    Quoting david cross on this:

    "I think its funny how, that if I want to die with peace and dignity that there's someone far away that can prevent it. Someone's like [strong southern accent] 'Hi, I just wanted to call. This is Jeanette Dunwoody from Valdosta, Georgia. I heard that you're trying to kill yourself and I just wanna say that, well, you can't.' 'What?' 'Yeah, its not right, because all life is precious.' 'No, my life isn't precious, Ive been reduced to a shit and piss factory. I hurt always. I'm going to die within a year and I'm in pain constantly.' 'Oh, but Because of the Bible.' 'Well, I don't believe in the Bible.' 'Well, I do, silly!' [Hangs up]"


    I could write an essay on this, but lets say the hysteria surrounding the release of the documents tells us a lot more than the documents themselves, which range from amusing gossip to things like government sanctioned, tax funded child rape (Really)

    Also, despite what the american politicians might say, wikileaks always makes sure the people mentioned in the documents aren't at risk. Unlike the Americans themselves. Also, military atrocities should be known about, such as this gem.

    Nuclear Power

    Yup, no reason to go against this, the days of Chernobyl and exploding reactors are over due to the plants being built completely differently. Nuclear waste isn't the biggest of our environmental problems. We should rely on a mixture of different sources though, hopefully cold fusion will be possible before we have some real energy crisis on our hands.

    Mutually Assured Destruction

    I'm in favor of nuclear disarmament, the backlash and hostility you'd get from other countries if you actually launched a nuke would be deterrent enough.

    Plus, it's terrible to doom millions more people to death because their leaders were mental enough to launch a nuke (I'd have thought that you'd be in agreement this as a catholic.)

    North Korea isn't a worry by the way, they are miles away from having weapons grade plutonium and they don't have the technology to launch.

    Iran is a serious worry on this topic. They are led by religious fanatics, and will be nuclear ready if someone doesn't put a stop to them soon. Though I'd hope they still aren't mental enough to launch.

    Well, that was a bit of an essay. Peace out broseph.

  3. pro-life
    but i see where you're going
    euthanasia (assisted suicide)
    ok in the right circumstances (i.e cancer patient who can't be cured or coma patient with no chance of getting out of coma)
    ...military shuld no be exposed
    prince's stuff easily papparazi
    Mutually-assured destruction
