Saturday, December 11

The 7 deadly sins - Sloth & Anger.

Well, for some reason, I've decided to do another multi-part post. So, I am going to cover the 7 deadly sins and how I am affected by them. Why? Do I need a reason? Good. Here we go then.


Sloth- "The failure to utilise one's skills, talents and/or gifts."
Well then, personally I fall into this trap all of the time. I am lazy. I admit it. I spend most of my day sitting on my a*** watching a tiny screen. I drink alcohol, I eat lots but I do little to no exercise. I prepare for exams the night before and expect to pass. I can see why this is a deadly sin. To fall into the depths of "slothdom" is to condemn yourself to a life of mediocrity. A life where you do nothing for yourself so nothing happens to you. 
Now, what I intend to do about it...
I intend to join the sports union next semester, damn the costs, and attempt to get into shape. I will eat less and I will get away from my little screen a little bit more.

Anger (Wrath)

Anger (or Wrath) - Inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.

Well, I'd be a liar if I said I was never angry. The thing is though, usually I'm angry at myself not at other people, which is far worse than being angry at others. (Well, up to the point before murder becomes involved) This is because I am self-destructive. I can form relationships with other people and in a particularly bad case of self-loathing, destroy any friendship I had with that person. Who wants to be friends with a whiner? Exactly. I do show my anger externally too, but I bottle it up so that when it does surface, one person gets all of the backlash. All of my self-loathing, all of my pent up frustrations over girls, university, friends and money, all of the insults that have "bounced off my thick skin" and digs at my looks, my friends and my personality all come gushing out in one, massive bout of rage fuelled madness. 
Sometimes, I lash out at things. (Walls, trees, cars, beds, pillows, whatever is handy at the time.) Sometimes I just break down. I remember once I just burst into tears. For no reason. No one was talking to me at the time. Nothing had hit or hurt me. No one had insulted me recently. I just, started bawling. It was a very weird feeling. Knowing that, "as a big, strong man, I am not supposed to cry." Well, people, here's a news flash. I am not a "big, strong man." I am a very timid and sensitive man. That doesn't make me any less of a man than you assholes but it seems that way sometimes. Usually, I shout. Loudly. I shout out my frustrations. I scream all my problems. I tell people too much about the inner Andrew and immediately regret it. And then I go back to bottling things up again. And so renews the cycle...
What am I going to do about it?
Well, I don't see much that can be done. I could just immediately backlash at people who insult me, beat two s***s out of people who hurt me and scream at people who frustrate me. I don't see that helping much really.  Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated.

In the next post I will be looking at "Gluttony and Lust." You know you don't want to miss that...

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. dude you should've just said for sloth "a lazy c**t"
