Wednesday, December 29

The 7 deadly sins - Greed, Envy & Pride.

Right, it's the last of the 7 deadly sin posts and we're finishing with a bang. Three different sins. THREE. That's like going to a strip club while killing someone and raping a donkey. Yes, it is that bad.
Well, let us begin...

Greed (Avarice)

Greed (Avarice) - a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power
Well, greed is related to gluttony. Slightly. With no food involved.
So, where do I fall down on this sin. Well, to be perfectly honest, everywhere. As you will see later on, these are the three sins I fall to most. Yeah, I did warn you at the start about this.
What are the three things I want more of more than anything? Hmmm, could it be "wealth, status and power" *facepalm* Apparently, because I am human and want human things, I'm going to hell. Oh. Well that's a bummer. Who are we trying to kid here? Everyone wants more. Nobody is satisfied with what they have. So, everyone is going to hell. Right? Yup.

Everyone knows that I "secretly" want to take over the world. (And it will happen. Trust me) Therefore I am wanting power. Therefore, I am sinning.
Everyone knows that I want to have lots of money. Therefore, I am sinning.
Everyone knows that I want to be recognised. That I want people to look up to me. Therefore I am sinning.

I can't win on this one. I am a very greedy hobbit and for that I apologise. Sorry.


Envy - The resentment of another because they have something you consider yourself lacking in.

Right, I suffer from envy. Every. Single. Day. 

I envy people who can be happy for no reason.
I envy people who can stay in a relationship for a significant amount of time.
I envy attractive people.
I envy people with power/money/status.
I envy people who are more talented than me. (Musically/academically/whatever)
I envy people who can afford designer clothes.
I envy people with lots of friends.

I envy a lot.

Yeah, so as you can see, I have a small problem with envy. Low self esteem combined with an all time low in self confidence means that I pretty much envy EVERYTHING. (You know when the all-caps come in, I'm serious.)

What can I do about it? Probably see a shrink. Short of that, I got nothing. So, umm, moving on.

Last, but by no means least...


Pride - is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of the others. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self

Right, the big bad sin. Pride. Yes, a little pride is good but there are some people that are unhealthily proud. (This sin is also known as vanity but as that concentrates on looks, which I am NOT proud of, we shall ignore this)
I admit that I do have low self esteem, however, this does not mean that I feel no pride. In fact, sometimes, it means I fall harder.
Think about it, you have zero expectations about something and somehow you manage to create something wonderful. You would be proud of that. Your low self esteem would fall away and reveal pride in this one thing. Now, someone creates something even more wonderful. You refuse to recognise it. You cannot accept that someone has beat you. It hurts when people tell you that the other thing is better but still you claim that yours is better. That's how I feel about some things. I can see that I am not talented in some things but I still believe I know best.

Hmm, reading over that, that didn't make much sense...

Right, stripping it down to basics, I am not good at accepting the superiority of other people. Put like that, it's much easier to understand.

Anyway, that is all. I've done my 7 deadly sin special. Hooray! I win.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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