Friday, January 7

A post of many topics (II)

Right, this is the fourth attempt of me starting this post. Hopefully I can finish it this time...

So, it's the 7th. Of January. Yeah. I can hear you all screaming out at me "So Andrew, are you now pointing out the bleeding obvious in all your blogs?" Well, at the moment yes. So quiet in front. Other people are here too.

Where was I? Oh yeah, it's the 7th. Why is this important? It isn't. I'm just pointing out the bleeding obvious. So there.

Right, onto the blog then. This weekend, the McArdle family will be blessed, or cursed, with a new member. Doesn't have a name yet and we don't even know what gender it will be.
I am obviously talking about my brothers pet.
Yes. After years of pestering, my brother has managed to convince my (and his) parents that getting him a pet is a good idea. Well done. I've been trying to convince them that he was adopted at birth since I could talk and that hasn't worked so obviously he's better at convincing than me.
Anyway, he is getting a Gecko. Yes. Gecko. It's like a lizard. But more Geckoish. (Of course that's a word) And not just any Gecko. A leopard gecko! It's like a cat-lizard. It will eat live crickets. Apparently.
I can see only one small problem with that. Crickets make lots of noise. At night. When sane people are sleeping. I can see my parents getting annoyed at this new addition to the family very quickly. Oh well. Good luck to them all. I don't live here that often anyway.

Well, I guess I should mention that my uni starts again on Monday. Fantastic. I just got used to my own bed. Oh well, I'm sure loads of people will visit to keep me company...
I said I'm sure loads of people will visit!
Oh what's the use...

I. Hate. Apple.

Seriously, I do. Right then everyone. I am going to be selling you something which I say is cool. Which is faulty, expensive and pretty much the same as the last con product I sold you.
And we fall for it. Most people will admit to owning an apple product of some kind. Mac, ipod, iphone, idon'tcareaboutmycustomers, etc.
I do not. I do not own any apple products and I am proud to admit it. I will also be one of the few survivors when apple presses "the death switch" and all their products release a toxic gas. You have been warned.

I am once again in a relationship. Which is good by the way... Just thought I'd share that with you all. You know, cause you all care so much about what happens in my life and come here to read about me and my life and not just hope I flip out and rant about something. Well, I am happy. (Which doesn't happen very often) So obviously, Alannah is amazing. Simple as that. (Cute enough? =])

That brings me to my last topic. The "C" word. Or "cute" as some foul mouthed people call it. Some people have once again taken to calling me with this derogative name despite my best efforts to have it wiped off the face of the planet. Obviously, my lawsuits are not harsh enough. So, not only will anyone using the "c" word be punished with the death penalty but they will also be drawn and quartered and bits sent to the major cities in the world to show an example of what happens to people who call me cute.
Just kidding.
Or am I...

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. I must disagree, I have owned multiple apple products and have had no issue with them or apple. And it's not a con at all, they are far better than other things on the market especially the iphone.
    However if the toxic gas is correct, with 3 ipods and an iphone, I am very screwed.

    Oh and you are in a relationship again, awww cute! XD
