Saturday, January 15

Horoscope issues?

**NOTE- Most of this post is pictures. Do not be put off by it's length.**

Well then, I felt the need to blog about something which everyone seems to have felt has a deep significance in their lives. Their horoscope or star sign.

Recently it has been revealed that someone has added a new star sign to the whole schebang. Well, in my opinion. Why? Seriously, the world was happy with being what they were. Some people felt that because they are a Libra, they have certain qualities. And now, apparently, they have new qualities. Anyone else see a small problem with that? I do.

According to the "new rules," I am no longer a Scorpio as Scorpio is the shortest lived star sign with only 6 days available to it. I am now a Libra. So, what I'm saying is, I have went from one of the coolest star signs to one of the most boring and annoying.

Scorpions = Cool
So, in response, I have decided to do two things.
1- Completely ignore this upstart star sign. Seriously, I don't like it, it doesn't like me so I'm just going to ignore it. And remain a Scorpio.
2- This.
Andrews New Astrological Signs

"Lara Croftians" are known to be crafty, good with their weapons and spend most of their time looting old ruins. They also seem to be a magnet for any and all supernatural/weird/strange goings on in the world. 

"Crashes" are fun to be around, crazy and enjoy the simple things. Like thwarting villains with rockets in their heads etc. Usually only makes random noises and lacks the capacity to talk properly. Has been known to get addicted to "Wumpa Fruit." Which we all know is just a street name for crack.

"Spyros" are passionate, fun-loving, purple fire breathing dragons. Well, maybe not that last bit but still! Enjoy flying around and seeing new places and staring evilly at me as I write this down... "Spyros" are awesome... Don't hit me spyro! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg

"Mario's" are always plumbers that have a side job as a detective for any and every kidnapping unit in the world. With an unbelievable knack at crawling through pipes to save princesses, Mario's are always in high demand. Especially from the ladies with the moustache they are required to grow by law.

"Clouds" are super soldiers. Bred to kill. Extremely deadly and apparently, good in bed. Apparently. Usually found compensating by having on oversized sword. (see above)

"Abe's" normally spend a lot of time attempting to save the rest of their species. Usually found attempting to free prisoners of the vile machine that turns us all into juice. Seriously.

"Pac-men" are the waste disposal experts of the modern world. If they can't eat it then it obviously is a ghost and needs to be avoided. May have the unfortunate side effect of eating everything.

"I-can't-remember-this-guys-namians" are skeletal, happy and generally impossible to find on the internet. Making my job harder.

"Sonics" are well known for being fast, cheeky and annoying. Usually spend their time running around collecting gold rings so they have as much "bling" as other sonics do.

"Princes" have an overinflated feeling of self-confidence which is undeserved. Can control time to do whatever they want. So, you might have been attacked by a Prince. But you wouldn't know it.

"Snakes" are the best. Why? Because I said so! Sneaky, cunning and usually rough shaven. Can be found to have a weird obsession with trying to eat exotic animals.

"Ray men" are usually not very confident due to the lack of arms, legs and neck. Can be found dealing with shady customers and is a bad influence on others.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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