Monday, January 3

The year ahead...

Well then, we are now 3 days into a new year and I can confirm, it has been a very happy new year. Seriously, I feel awesome.

Well, then, I looked back over last year last time. So I guess it's only fair to look to the year ahead. I know most people don't do New Year's Resolutions but I thought I'd give it a bash this year for once.

Andrew's Badass Resolutions

Well, number 1. Lose weight. It's quite obvious why. But it must be done. For everyone's sake. If I get any bigger I'll knock people off Great Britain. Seriously, when we sink, I'm so sorry.

Number 2. Gain confidence. I need to be more, umm, outgoing. At the moment, I am quite shy unless a) I know the person I'm with. or b) I'm drunk. Very drunk. I want that to change. Now. So, here is confident Andrew. Can you tell?

Number 3. Exercise. I mentioned this in a previous post. So, Yeah. That is still a resolution.

Last one. Party more. Seriously. P.A.R.T.A.Y. All the time. Wooo!

Anyway, I said I would thank people in this post. So, here is the list.


That is all. If I was to thank everyone individually, we'd be here a while. So if you comment on my facebook link, I will tell you what I am thanking you for.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. I want a special mention ¬¬

    see you bloody happy people? *thump* xD
