Right then. It's started. People are moving on/away/out. I know perfectly fine that me just saying this will make at least one of my readers almost cry but this has to be said.
We're growing up. Soon, I shall watch the Lion King, have my childhood for about a day and then have it snatched away from me about two hours later. No idea how it'll be taken, but I intend having fun finding out.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I seem to do that more often nowadays, no idea why. Anyway, back on topic...
Well, one of my new friends has left. And I say new. I mean new. I barely knew her at all. I only met her a few times. So I can't claim to be affected nearly as much as some of the other people I know. But just seeing how well they seem to be taking it has shown me that "goodbye" doesn't necessarily mean "goodbye." I mean, she'll be gone a while and I really feel for two of my friends, both of whom I have gotten very close to very quickly and both of whom are very close to her. Anyway, she'll be back. So chin up and all that motivational stuff I can usually think of. Things like you can still talk to her. And imagine the party when she comes back... That kind of stuff.
So, this got me thinking. About when I leave. Next Saturday. Yeah, that soon. What will happen then? I don't think anyone likes me enough to shed a tear at me leaving. I don't particularly think anyone cares. "He's just going across the river. What does that matter?" Yeah, I know that. But it really makes me feel a little bit sad that my moving away will not have an impact on anyone. It annoys me that a lot of people don't care about the whole "Andrews leaving thing". I care. A lot. I've always struggled around people as I am not a people person. I am a loner, born and bred. I have a few close friends, many aquaintances and people I don't know. I'm leaving that behind. Unlike other people who have friends and people they haven't befriended yet. I'm not that kind of person. I can't make friends with people without help, as sad as that sounds...
Well, the advantage to me leaving before many others is that I don't need to get upset at people leaving me. As far as all are concerned I'm ditching all of you guys. Yeah. That sounded better in my head... It's funny. I've spent 17 years itching to get out of here and then I finally get a reason to stay just before I leave. Fan-bloody-tastic.
Oh well. As I said, you will probably see me again. Whether it's part of a video call, in person or in my v-blog (which is still in the R&D phase people, so don't hold your breath...)
So, everyone else that's leaving later than me. Or people that aren't leaving. This is my official apology to ditching you all. I am sorry. As I always post at the end "Peace out bubs." I mean it this time. Think about how you can "Peace out."
Anyway, goodbye Mary. Enjoy South Africa. I couldn't write anything suitable on your comment thing after I saw what Scott and Zoe had put. So, I did what I could do. I wrote a post in my blog. Enjoy yourself. Don't be sad about leaving anyone behind. They'll still be here when you get back. I know you probably won't read this but it's making me feel better. So, there you go. Look forward to the massive party when you get back. Cause I know I am...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
The blog of Ondeh/Andrew. A student/pieman/constant disappointment. Sometimes I write stuff worth reading.
Saturday, August 28
Sunday, August 22
Another day in the life of a Raith Rovers Pieman...
Righto, yesterday was the Kdy derby. Dunfermline visiting Starks Park to try and beat s**t out of people. Yeah, really. They do.
Well, anyway, as I was down the high street attempting to get my dad his present and then head to work, I got caught by the police. In the middle of a Dunfermline supporting group. So obviously, because I was near them, look aged 17-21, I must be here to cause trouble... Well, I wasn't. I was trying to get to work. I ended up being late because the police wanted us to hold hands and cross roads at the same time. Well, not really. But you get the picture. Eventually, I managed to wriggle my way out of the stampede and got to work. Only to be told "You're late. I thought you said you'd be early today." Umm, no I didn't. I said I'd turn up. I never gave a specific time. And at least I got there in one piece, I got so many evils from people I knew for associating with the Pars and it looked like they wanted to tear out my eyes and skullf**k me. No kidding.
Anyway, from 2 til quarter to 5, I was on non-stop service. So, no break. At all. Well, that could be ok. If I didn't have to deal with idiots...
"How much is a cheeseburger?"
"A pie?"
"So, what do you want?"
In head... *W````r*
"Can I get a cheeseburger?"
"We've no burgers left sorry."
In head... *Oh god not again...* See, "A day in the life of a Raith Rovers Pieman..." for previous reference...
"I'll have a pie" (Said by 4 year old)
"Whats the magic word?"
"Little fu... Get out of the queue."
Yeah. Interesting stuff.
Well, I think this will keep you entertained a little bit. Remember, any input from readers is appreciated. If you want me to do a post about a specific subject, or just want to suggest something, comment.
If you want to ask a question, go here... and I'll answer.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Well, anyway, as I was down the high street attempting to get my dad his present and then head to work, I got caught by the police. In the middle of a Dunfermline supporting group. So obviously, because I was near them, look aged 17-21, I must be here to cause trouble... Well, I wasn't. I was trying to get to work. I ended up being late because the police wanted us to hold hands and cross roads at the same time. Well, not really. But you get the picture. Eventually, I managed to wriggle my way out of the stampede and got to work. Only to be told "You're late. I thought you said you'd be early today." Umm, no I didn't. I said I'd turn up. I never gave a specific time. And at least I got there in one piece, I got so many evils from people I knew for associating with the Pars and it looked like they wanted to tear out my eyes and skullf**k me. No kidding.
Anyway, from 2 til quarter to 5, I was on non-stop service. So, no break. At all. Well, that could be ok. If I didn't have to deal with idiots...
"How much is a cheeseburger?"
"A pie?"
"So, what do you want?"
In head... *W````r*
"Can I get a cheeseburger?"
"We've no burgers left sorry."
In head... *Oh god not again...* See, "A day in the life of a Raith Rovers Pieman..." for previous reference...
"I'll have a pie" (Said by 4 year old)
"Whats the magic word?"
"Little fu... Get out of the queue."
Yeah. Interesting stuff.
Well, I think this will keep you entertained a little bit. Remember, any input from readers is appreciated. If you want me to do a post about a specific subject, or just want to suggest something, comment.
If you want to ask a question, go here... and I'll answer.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Friday, August 20
Another day, another party...
Well then peeps. What's shaking? Andrew has been, umm, enjoying himself the last few weeks. I think I can safely say, I've had more fun in the last two weeks than I've had in the rest of my life. Yeah, that much fun. WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, schools back... Oh wait, that doesn't bother me... Hmm, what else can I type about then...
Well, nothing really. I've been partying hard and my head is almost permanently fuzzy and my parents are complaining about drinking and girlfriends and camping and stuff. You know "the talk"... Well, I got it again at the age of 17. Yeah, I'm mature enough to see why I have been given it again. That doesn't make it any easier... It's still embarassing for me whenever my mum mentions the "s" word. Even worse when my dad does. I try my best to reassure them and tell them I'm not stupid and I won't do anything when drunk and basically tell them "I'm a good boy, drop it."
However, every time I do this reasurance, I get the "I'm not ready to be a grandmother..." and "It's only for peeing Andrew." Well... I'm not ready to be a father. And as for the other thing... Moving on.
Well, away from embarassing topics. I have been told that my last explorer meeting will be at conservation on the 1st of September. If you are an explorer, turn up. It'd be nice for you to be there for my leaving thing. If you go to conservation and read this. Turn up on pain of death. It'll likely be one of your few chances to see me before I bugger off to Edinburgh.
Sunday is my dads birthday. I still need an awesome present. Any ideas would be appreciated. At all. Be as wide or as helpful as you want. Leave suggestions in the comment section below...
Now, I have been told that video blogs are better than written blogs. Well, I have no opinion on the matter. I would be willing to give it a shot but would need some help, as I do not want to do two blogs alone. Also, I hate the sound of my voice...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Anyway, schools back... Oh wait, that doesn't bother me... Hmm, what else can I type about then...
Well, nothing really. I've been partying hard and my head is almost permanently fuzzy and my parents are complaining about drinking and girlfriends and camping and stuff. You know "the talk"... Well, I got it again at the age of 17. Yeah, I'm mature enough to see why I have been given it again. That doesn't make it any easier... It's still embarassing for me whenever my mum mentions the "s" word. Even worse when my dad does. I try my best to reassure them and tell them I'm not stupid and I won't do anything when drunk and basically tell them "I'm a good boy, drop it."
However, every time I do this reasurance, I get the "I'm not ready to be a grandmother..." and "It's only for peeing Andrew." Well... I'm not ready to be a father. And as for the other thing... Moving on.
Well, away from embarassing topics. I have been told that my last explorer meeting will be at conservation on the 1st of September. If you are an explorer, turn up. It'd be nice for you to be there for my leaving thing. If you go to conservation and read this. Turn up on pain of death. It'll likely be one of your few chances to see me before I bugger off to Edinburgh.
Sunday is my dads birthday. I still need an awesome present. Any ideas would be appreciated. At all. Be as wide or as helpful as you want. Leave suggestions in the comment section below...
Now, I have been told that video blogs are better than written blogs. Well, I have no opinion on the matter. I would be willing to give it a shot but would need some help, as I do not want to do two blogs alone. Also, I hate the sound of my voice...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Thursday, August 12
Even cowgirls get the blues...
Well, hello. Welcome once again to my diary blog. I'm now using a new blog post editor so I thought I'd play with it. Without really blogging about anything of importance...
Hell, who am I kidding. Of course this is going to have meaning and importance and ranting. That's what goes on in my head, so that is what I shall type.
Now that results have gone by I find myself thinking more and more about University. Apparently, my Uni is full already. Hmm, interesting. Well, anyway I'm not wanting to go on about "clearances" and accommodation. I want to talk about what moving away will mean to me.
Well, I know there are a few people who are going through this exact same thing but I'm terrified. What if I lose something? What if I break something? What if some lunatic down the hall goes mad with a Molotov? There are many questions I have, and as the oldest of my family, no one to ask about it. My mum didn't go to uni and my dad travelled from home. So this makes it a new experience for everyone here. We have worrying about stuff to pack, how I will wash things, when/how often I will visit, what I will eat and how this will change meand how much my liver will suffer for it...
On to my course. Chemistry. The only subject I ever failed at High school is the one I am doing for the next 5 years... Hmm, good call mister Andrew. *Rolls eyes* Well, whats done is done, and if I try and apply for something else, it'll be full. So I'm doing Chemistry. At HW. Whether I want to or not.
Freshers week. The image we all have is of many university students getting wasted, having fun and getting to know each other. Well, I'm not going to be 18 for it. So I'm going to have to make an 18 year old friend very, very quickly. Or try and blag my way through it. Or stay sober. Actually, forget that last idea. That's a terrible idea. How dare it enter my mind.
Friends. Well, cheerio to some unfortunately. (If you're leaving the country...) The rest, I shall attempt to see. Some more than others... I don't want to leave any of you, but even if I'd stayed, most of you are buggering off anyway. I'm going to try and stay in contact with everyone, but it'll be difficult. I'm not lying about that. I'll have Uni work, work work and social "work" (drinking). So I won't have much time. There are a few people I have already talked to about this. I think I have put some worries to bed about it. I'M NOT ABANDONING ANYONE!!!!!! I'll just have to work even harder and be even nicer. As for how I'll treat anyone or act towards them? That won't change either. If I'm sarcastic to you at the moment, don't expect it to change. If I'm a git to you, sorry but it won't change either. I am Andrew Steven "Rodriguez" McArdle and I am not going to let this change the way I treat my friends. Capiche? Good.
Well, I know I'd say I'd never name another blog about a song but my imagination has vanished lately (I blame aliens) Anyway, so what? This is mydiary blog. And I'll do what I want. I could do an Olga and ask people to name the band that played that song for prizes. Well, if you can name them, I'll be impressed. That is all. No prizes. I don't get paid enough for this as it is...
So, not much ranting is there? Hmm, I could do something meaningful in the space below. Like protest for human rights. Or about animal cruelty. But I've got other things to do. So here's a picture that I promised you all a while ago...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Hell, who am I kidding. Of course this is going to have meaning and importance and ranting. That's what goes on in my head, so that is what I shall type.
Now that results have gone by I find myself thinking more and more about University. Apparently, my Uni is full already. Hmm, interesting. Well, anyway I'm not wanting to go on about "clearances" and accommodation. I want to talk about what moving away will mean to me.
Well, I know there are a few people who are going through this exact same thing but I'm terrified. What if I lose something? What if I break something? What if some lunatic down the hall goes mad with a Molotov? There are many questions I have, and as the oldest of my family, no one to ask about it. My mum didn't go to uni and my dad travelled from home. So this makes it a new experience for everyone here. We have worrying about stuff to pack, how I will wash things, when/how often I will visit, what I will eat and how this will change me
On to my course. Chemistry. The only subject I ever failed at High school is the one I am doing for the next 5 years... Hmm, good call mister Andrew. *Rolls eyes* Well, whats done is done, and if I try and apply for something else, it'll be full. So I'm doing Chemistry. At HW. Whether I want to or not.
Freshers week. The image we all have is of many university students getting wasted, having fun and getting to know each other. Well, I'm not going to be 18 for it. So I'm going to have to make an 18 year old friend very, very quickly. Or try and blag my way through it. Or stay sober. Actually, forget that last idea. That's a terrible idea. How dare it enter my mind.
Friends. Well, cheerio to some unfortunately. (If you're leaving the country...) The rest, I shall attempt to see. Some more than others... I don't want to leave any of you, but even if I'd stayed, most of you are buggering off anyway. I'm going to try and stay in contact with everyone, but it'll be difficult. I'm not lying about that. I'll have Uni work, work work and social "work" (drinking). So I won't have much time. There are a few people I have already talked to about this. I think I have put some worries to bed about it. I'M NOT ABANDONING ANYONE!!!!!! I'll just have to work even harder and be even nicer. As for how I'll treat anyone or act towards them? That won't change either. If I'm sarcastic to you at the moment, don't expect it to change. If I'm a git to you, sorry but it won't change either. I am Andrew Steven "Rodriguez" McArdle and I am not going to let this change the way I treat my friends. Capiche? Good.
Well, I know I'd say I'd never name another blog about a song but my imagination has vanished lately (I blame aliens) Anyway, so what? This is my
So, not much ranting is there? Hmm, I could do something meaningful in the space below. Like protest for human rights. Or about animal cruelty. But I've got other things to do. So here's a picture that I promised you all a while ago...
![]() |
The reason not to make promises... |
Andrew out.
Monday, August 9
Exam results...
Well then everyone, lets hear it for all these happy people, the ones that passed all their exams and are getting to do what they want. Yay! (Not me)
Lets go "aww" to anyone who did not get the grades to get into uni/get the course they want. Aww... (Not me)
And option 3. Lets stick our middle fingers up to the git who couldn't care less. (Me)
Yeah, ok. I failed Chemistry. But I had accepted that. And it's not like I needed it. So I'm not bothered about it at all right... Right?
Well, to be perfectly honest. I am. I don't like failing. I don't like losing. I know I could have passed if I'd been arsed. But I wasn't. So I really shouldn't be bothered. But I am. And this is the vicious cycle of events going round my head since I got my results earlier in the week.
So anyway, yes. Everyone, even if something is guaranteed. Do your best. Cause anything else just isn't right.
Moving on, cause I'm on the "Don't care" phase again. Well, recently I have become much more sociable (which is why I haven't been blogging so much) This is mainly due to me "hanging out" with a new bunch of friends. Combine this with old friends wanting to "hang out" and I'm out a lot. So anyway, thank you anybody that has taken me out of the house recently. You are all awesome.
Special hello to Zoe. When you do read this (eventually) hello. Oh and "Om nom nom" You know what I'm talking about.
Well, I guess I have to go now. I was camping last night and I have to fix a tent. Not gonna be fun.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Lets go "aww" to anyone who did not get the grades to get into uni/get the course they want. Aww... (Not me)
And option 3. Lets stick our middle fingers up to the git who couldn't care less. (Me)
Yeah, ok. I failed Chemistry. But I had accepted that. And it's not like I needed it. So I'm not bothered about it at all right... Right?
Well, to be perfectly honest. I am. I don't like failing. I don't like losing. I know I could have passed if I'd been arsed. But I wasn't. So I really shouldn't be bothered. But I am. And this is the vicious cycle of events going round my head since I got my results earlier in the week.
So anyway, yes. Everyone, even if something is guaranteed. Do your best. Cause anything else just isn't right.
Moving on, cause I'm on the "Don't care" phase again. Well, recently I have become much more sociable (which is why I haven't been blogging so much) This is mainly due to me "hanging out" with a new bunch of friends. Combine this with old friends wanting to "hang out" and I'm out a lot. So anyway, thank you anybody that has taken me out of the house recently. You are all awesome.
Special hello to Zoe. When you do read this (eventually) hello. Oh and "Om nom nom" You know what I'm talking about.
Well, I guess I have to go now. I was camping last night and I have to fix a tent. Not gonna be fun.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Monday, August 2
It's almost time...
Well, now my European, umm, torture is over, I can blog freely now. So lets do this thang...
Right, one very slight problem. I don't know what to blog about. Well, I do. But I'm not going to yet. And the "e.r's" are just asking for me to get a kicking. (I'm sorry people. I did my work in 5th year so I could piss about in 6th year. And it paid off...) So, despite this making me a very unpopular person I shall dedicate this blog to "the e.r"
Now, I am not talking about a popular television program. I am talking of course about Exam Results. Yeah, I know there are many people out there who need very good results to get to uni/college/whatever. I know there are people who have worked very hard last year and I am pretty sure they will be rewarded. Now, I want anyone who thinks they worked as hard as they possibly could last year to raise your hand. I'm betting I have less than 2 people with raised hands. And I'm not one of them. As I said, I planned for this. I did all my "difficult" highers in 5th year, got average results, applied to uni (with a beast of a personal statement even if I do say so myself) and got 5 unconditionals and a rejection. (Yes, I do know that adds up to 6. It's a teensy bit complicated) I think I took the right approach to life for once. I probably should have worked harder in 6th year. I probably should be bothered about my Advanced Higher results. But I'm not. Not because I don't need them. But because I haven't put much effort into last year, so why should I put any in now? Exactly.
So anyway, good luck all. I've got my fingers crossed for everyone. Honest. I don't want anyone to fail, or not to get into Uni because they got a C instead of a B. It just seems a bit, well, stupid to me.
I can't remember if I've ranted about grades, so if I have, sorry.
I really do not see why many things we are taught in school are relevent to our lives outside of school. Come on, I highly doubt I'll need to know the equation of a straight line on my current "career path." I know I will never need to critically analyse a film. I proably won't need music at all. (but I enjoy that, so it doesn't really count)
For those of you who don't know, I'm away to Heriot Watt University in September to study a Masters in Chemistry. Yeah. I know. Chemistry. I distinctly remember in 3rd year, I wanted to drop the bloody subject. And here I am. Off to uni to do a subject I used to hate. Also, Heriot Watt. I remember 5th year. The presentations by all the unis. Well, after H.W's presentation, me and chris both said "I don't want to go there..." Well, I am. And to my knowledge, no one else is.
So, that means one thing. New people. People that I won't know and they won't know me. There was a point in my life where I wanted to start over and now that it's here, I don't want to. The unknowns a scary place. And I'm going in alone...
I'm sorry to all the people who are not guaranteed their place at University/college/whatever yet but this is my blog. So I can hardly do a post on something which isn't happening to me. If I didn't have my place, I'd be a very different person right now. But I'd have also worked so much harder last year. So I'd be a little bit more confident in my results. So, if you have worked, I hope you get it. If you haven't, fingers crossed...
My predictions for my results are very optimistic.
AH Physics - C
AH Chemistry - C
AH Geography - B
H Music - B
So I think I'll pass. But I'm prepared to fail, as always.
To olga, I am now on 53 posts. Like you, I never thought I'd last this long. I didn't think people would be interested in the rantings of a sarcastic know-it-all. Well, I'm still here. As are you. Wooop! I'm thinking party...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Right, one very slight problem. I don't know what to blog about. Well, I do. But I'm not going to yet. And the "e.r's" are just asking for me to get a kicking. (I'm sorry people. I did my work in 5th year so I could piss about in 6th year. And it paid off...) So, despite this making me a very unpopular person I shall dedicate this blog to "the e.r"
Now, I am not talking about a popular television program. I am talking of course about Exam Results. Yeah, I know there are many people out there who need very good results to get to uni/college/whatever. I know there are people who have worked very hard last year and I am pretty sure they will be rewarded. Now, I want anyone who thinks they worked as hard as they possibly could last year to raise your hand. I'm betting I have less than 2 people with raised hands. And I'm not one of them. As I said, I planned for this. I did all my "difficult" highers in 5th year, got average results, applied to uni (with a beast of a personal statement even if I do say so myself) and got 5 unconditionals and a rejection. (Yes, I do know that adds up to 6. It's a teensy bit complicated) I think I took the right approach to life for once. I probably should have worked harder in 6th year. I probably should be bothered about my Advanced Higher results. But I'm not. Not because I don't need them. But because I haven't put much effort into last year, so why should I put any in now? Exactly.
So anyway, good luck all. I've got my fingers crossed for everyone. Honest. I don't want anyone to fail, or not to get into Uni because they got a C instead of a B. It just seems a bit, well, stupid to me.
I can't remember if I've ranted about grades, so if I have, sorry.
I really do not see why many things we are taught in school are relevent to our lives outside of school. Come on, I highly doubt I'll need to know the equation of a straight line on my current "career path." I know I will never need to critically analyse a film. I proably won't need music at all. (but I enjoy that, so it doesn't really count)
For those of you who don't know, I'm away to Heriot Watt University in September to study a Masters in Chemistry. Yeah. I know. Chemistry. I distinctly remember in 3rd year, I wanted to drop the bloody subject. And here I am. Off to uni to do a subject I used to hate. Also, Heriot Watt. I remember 5th year. The presentations by all the unis. Well, after H.W's presentation, me and chris both said "I don't want to go there..." Well, I am. And to my knowledge, no one else is.
So, that means one thing. New people. People that I won't know and they won't know me. There was a point in my life where I wanted to start over and now that it's here, I don't want to. The unknowns a scary place. And I'm going in alone...
I'm sorry to all the people who are not guaranteed their place at University/college/whatever yet but this is my blog. So I can hardly do a post on something which isn't happening to me. If I didn't have my place, I'd be a very different person right now. But I'd have also worked so much harder last year. So I'd be a little bit more confident in my results. So, if you have worked, I hope you get it. If you haven't, fingers crossed...
My predictions for my results are very optimistic.
AH Physics - C
AH Chemistry - C
AH Geography - B
H Music - B
So I think I'll pass. But I'm prepared to fail, as always.
To olga, I am now on 53 posts. Like you, I never thought I'd last this long. I didn't think people would be interested in the rantings of a sarcastic know-it-all. Well, I'm still here. As are you. Wooop! I'm thinking party...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Sunday, August 1
Andrews European Adventure - Part the end...
14- "Almost done now"
Belgium. Home of the waffle. Home of comics. Home of confusing Andrew with hidden street names and stupid maps and multiple corners and general tiredness. Well, we arrived. And I was tired. So for some reason that has yet to be fathomed, I was sent to find out about the shuttle bus for tomorrow. While suffering from a nice combination of heatstroke, exhaustion and hunger,I did my damndest to find the shuttle bus... twenty minutes and two pickpockets later, I still haven't found it. So as I head back to the group, I find it. Across the road from where I started. Combine this with my hunger and exhaustion, and you find yourself one peeved McArdle.
Got to hospital, sorry, Youth hostel and went to my ward, sorry, room. It's so easy to get the two mixed up when your bed has waterproof sheeting. Hopefully, I'm not scheduled for a "routine rectal examination" or something. Cause I am not in the mood. At all. Think world endingly bad, and you're not even close.
On the upside, I can speak French again. So instead of being completely oblivious (Germany and Prague), I am now only partially oblovious. :) This is opposed to my "voluntary obliviousness" in Scotland. All is well.
Money, wonga, Moolah, dosh. Whatever you call it, it's not looking good. So, in order to keep me alive, I have given all my money to "the Grand Chancellor of McArdle," Dene, all of my money and given him strict instructions only to give me money for food and non-alcoholic drinks. That should make it last slightly longer. Which is good. I am hungry though.
Well, bed time now. At 9 o clock. Good times...
15- "The last day..."
Well, thats what I call a power nap. 12 hours. Wooo! I actually don't feel tired for the first time in two weeks. Thats a good thing as I'll be up all day. And night.
Well, one day to complete all those silly missions given to us on day one. Easy. No Problem. Get haircut... Done. I even got gel too. Photo with police. Scary, but easy. Buy souveneir. Thats trickier. For some reason, Belgium is obsessed with peeing statues. So what are all the souveneirs of? Peeing statues. Well, I don't see a statue of a little boy peeing as appealing. At all. In any way shape or form. It's just not right really...
Dene, Grand Chancellor, has found it in his heart to buy me food. Pizza in fact. I have never enjoyed a piece of pizza so much in my life. First decent meal since Berlin. And that was 3/4 days ago. Hooray! I am not hungry for the first time in two weeks. Wooo!
Now, I am waiting at Charleroi airport. Soon, I shall be back in Scotland. Yay! This trips been very fun, but I can't wait to get home and have a day where I do nothing. At all. I'm looking forward to this. I can visit my other friends. I can make up for missing "E-in-the-pond." I can have a shower without worrying about smelling worse after I leave. I can write a blog without giving a "sneak preview." I can go on faceboogle for less than £2. I can comfortably(ish) speak the local lingo.
Anyway, this is the last of my European Adventure series. If you've read all these, good for you. Well done. Congratulations. Now go outside and run about. Now. Seriously. It's bad enough that I copied all this. Go and have your own adventure however you can.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
European Adventure

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